
Tjitendero Came, He Saw, He Conquered

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A dark cloud has descended on the Tjitendero family and indeed on the entire Namibian nation. An erstwhile son of the soil, patriot, freedom fighter, Pan Africanist, intellectual par excellence and a true Namibian has passed on. As much as it may prove difficult to deflect the shock waves the refuge from this world of this quintessential African has cast upon the nation, the best the nation can do at this grim hour is to pull itself together and bid this agent of wisdom, reason and foresight a farewell befitting him. The space usually afforded this editorial comment cannot by any means serve the full memory of the person that Dr MosÃÆ’Æ‘Æ‘ÃÆ”šÃ‚© Tjitendero was, appreciate in total the intelligent giant that he was, resuscitate the unflinching fighter he was. His place in history, his engagement in the various facets of the different historical epochs and his unselfish dedication and devotion to public, community, national, continental and international callings knew no bounds. As was his love and commitment to his family, and his extended family the Swapo Party of Namibia. As much as we join the nation and his family in this grieving hour, we also rejoice in the knowledge that his contribution to the Namibian nation, Africa and the world at large have been bigger than the physical and humble person that he was. We also find solace in the fact that his mark will remain indelible and outlive his seemingly short life. Dr Tjitendero has come into this world. He has completed his mission in every facet of his life with flying colours. To many of us in Namibia, Dr Tjitendero has come to epitomise one of the bastions of our democratic dispensation, the National Assembly. Today Namibia ranks high among free nations and as a true model of freedom on the continent and in the whole world. The road to that stardom has not been without potholes. Dr Tjitendero had the special responsibility of negotiating the parliamentary vehicle through these potholes. Today as a nation, we can say with a great certainty that he acquitted himself well in that task. Not to say that the potholes were filled. They may exist to date. But through sheer statesmanship Tjitendero rendered them ineffective. He has thus conquered. Like many before him, he will continue to be an immortal to this nation. He may be gone but his spirit lives on. The nation salutes him in the memory that there can be no better salutation than keeping his memory for ever by re-dedicating itself to the freedom that he and others not only helped create but sacrificed so much for. He leaves the nation and his bereaved family in the shelter of the strong and unshakeable democratic edifice that he helped built and the memory of his dedication and sacrifice to his country. May his soul forever inspire our nation, protect our freedoms and guard our democracy.