
Top cops plot thickens… Ndeitunga denies ‘third force’ claims

Home National Top cops plot thickens… Ndeitunga denies ‘third force’ claims
Top cops plot thickens… Ndeitunga denies ‘third force’ claims

Serious allegations of impropriety have been made against former police chief Sebastian Ndeitunga and some of the top brass of the Namibian Police.  

They have all denied the allegations. 

One of the police’s alleged enfants terribles is head of logistics Andreas Nelumbu, who allegedly stole a power generator and has been using a police vehicle on his private farm in northern Namibia, charges that were allegedly swept under the rug under  Ndeitunga’s stewardship.

The vehicle in question is a white Toyota Land Cruiser single-cab bakkie.
Its registration number is Pol 9552. It was brand new when Nelumbu apparently took ‘ownership’ of it. 

He is accused of contravening the State Finance Act, Police Act and Treasury instructions. 

“Refer your questions to the inspector general,” Nelumbu said yesterday upon enquiry. 

Ndeitunga, it is alleged, knew about the thievery, but turned a blind eye. 

He vehemently denied the allegations. 

“I have no knowledge. I don’t know. It is better to ask Nelumbu himself. [If there was] any malpractice, I could  have taken a decision. I am an action man. Any malpractice in the police brought to me, I have taken action. But these allegations never reached my ears,” Ndeitunga charged. 

According to insiders, attempts to reverse the odometer reading on the car failed. The car is parked at a police warehouse in Windhoek, evidence seen by this paper shows. 

The vehicle was allegedly given to the force by a Windhoek dealership as a token of appreciation after the police bought a fleet of vehicles from them.

It was only when new police boss, inspector general (IG) Joseph Shikongo asked about the whereabouts of the vehicle that it was returned to Windhoek. 

“Those who are making those allegations must come to the office of the inspector general. They want to destroy the credibility of the force. They are talking nonsense about things that happened before I started,” a clearly irritated Shikongo said on Sunday.

Nelumbu presides over one of the crucial departments. 

It is under his watch that 90 firearms and ammunition from the police depot in Windhoek vanished into thin air, without a trace. 

Nelumbu has not formally been charged over the missing weapons. 

“There is an investigation on firearm’s theft which is ongoing. Senior police officers are carrying out this high-level investigation and whoever is involved, the law will take its course,” Shikongo said. 



Another allegation making rounds in the force is that Ndeitunga is baying for deputy inspector general for administration major general Anne-Marie Nainda’s head. 

Nainda is seen as a stumbling block in Ndeitunga’s influence in the force. 

According to sources briefed on the matter, there are two ways to getting rid of Nainda: she will either be seconded to the ministry of gender equality and poverty eradication as executive director, or deployed to serve on the International Criminal Police Organisation (Interpol)’s executive committee as Africa’s candidate. 

“She will be moved to where? I don’t appoint people to the civil service. I have no such powers,” Shikongo brushed off the allegation. 

The gender equality ministry is currently without an executive
director.  Documents seen by New Era indicate that President Hage Geingob has already endorsed Nainda’s
Interpol candidature. 

“I will ensure that Interpol has a strong and consistent upstream fight against cybercrime, counter-terrorism and trafficking in persons as countries have become more integrated, so has crime and terrorist activities,” Nainda is quoted to have said in her campaign message, also seen by this paper. 

Nainda’s boss, Shikongo, refuted claims of the onslaught against his lieutenant. 

“She will remain my deputy inspector general for administration in the force,” he said, noting that even if Nainda’s Interpol bid is successful, she will remain in her current post. 

Nainda will accompany Shikongo to the 90th Interpol general assembly in New Delhi, India on 18 October 2022. 

“We are travelling together. Those talking that nonsense are trying to discredit the force and undermine my authority,” the no-nonsense Shikongo stated while pouring cold water over the assertions. 

“I am not aware of any allegations against me of being not trustworthy, neither am I in the know of any
intentions or plans of me being considered for removal. There are internal procedures that make provision for consultations with regards to transfers,” Nainda responded. 


Third force

Additionally, talk is rife in the police that Ndeitunga is influencing decisions in the force, despite hanging up his police badges last month. 

Those with intricate knowledge of his modus operandi claim that the former police boss once informed Shikongo at a high-level meeting with top cops that he was brought to the police headquarters for a reason. 

“Ndeitunga told Shikongo that ‘I brought
you here from the regional head office to protect me’. ‘It is now your time to look after me’,” the source said.

Both Shikongo and Ndeitunga dismissed these claims.  “Since I took over this office, I have never experienced any interference by the former IG. The handover was peaceful. Everyone saw it. The former inspector general handed over the sword to me. That is the symbol of power and authority,” Shikongo said.  On his part, Ndeitunga, who prides himself as an upright citizen, sees himself as a victim.  He does not understand why he would want Nainda’s removal when he should be credited for their mentoring. 

“I groomed them [Nainda and Shikongo]. I promoted them. I know their capacity and their abilities. I submitted their names to the president so that he can choose one.

If I wanted her out, I could have worked her out when I was at the force. How can I work her out when I’m not in the force? What powers do I have?” he wanted to know.
He then accused those making the
allegation of suffering from what he termed PhD-syndrome. 

“They have this PhD of pull him down. They are masters in blackmailing others. They get to the top by putting their feet on the shoulders of others. They are not honest. They are hypocrites. They are myopic to the truth. They need to go to ICU,” he lashed out. 

“Can people leave me in peace, please?” the 60-year-old career officer asked. 

“I am out of the force. There is no conduit. There is no daily contact with people in the force. I did what I could have done, and I groomed people to take over from me,” he added.  -emumbuu@nepc.com.na