
Tré Supermarket shuts down

Home Business Tré Supermarket shuts down

WINDHOEK – It has finally been confirmed that the once popular Tré Sentra supermarket on the outskirts of the Windhoek Central Business District will close its door this weekend, after 20 years of operation. “Yes it is true, Tre would be closing on Friday [29 August],” was all Dino Tré, one of the owners, was prepared to say when approached for comment this week.

Tre Supermarket was very popular for its flexible shopping hours that allowed people to do their shopping until 21:00. The owners were not prepared to discuss the reason for closing, saying they would make a statement at a later stage.

The half empty shelves in the supermarket and the notable marked down prices over the couple of previous weeks prompted rife speculation among customers fearing for the future of the business.

“This came as a shock because this is one of the supermarkets that operated until late at night, as I could always drive to the store whenever I needed a last minute ingredient, this is sad especially for the workers,” said a customer at Tre Supermarket who spoke to New Era this week. 

It is hard to miss the tense atmosphere and the frustration and disappointment on the store workers’ faces, when New Era walked into the shop.

“I am angered about this abrupt decision as I have been working at Tré supermarket for about two years now and I am wondering what is next for me,” one of employee who declined to be identified said.