
Unam Rundu campus confers degrees for first time

Home National Unam Rundu campus confers degrees for first time

RUNDU – The Unam Rundu campus graduated 123 students amongst whom 94 are the first cohort from the Bachelor of Education in Pre, Lower and Upper Primary, which according to the Deputy Minister of Higher Education, Training and Innovation Becky Ndjoze-Ojo should be celebrated as a milestone in the country.

The ceremony saw 123 graduates take home degrees and diplomas. It took place last week at the Rundu campus, in Eddy Shikongo Memorial Hall, and was addressed by Ndjoze-Ojo as well as vice-chancellor of the University of Namibia (Unam), Professor Lazarus Hangula, together with Unam pro-vice-chancellor for academic affairs and research Professor Osmund Mwandeele.

“What you are about to obtain is an immovable and non-transferrable asset that no one can ever take away from you. I am therefore very pleased to see you so colourful and decorated,” said Ndjoze-Ojo.

Previously the Rundu College of Education only offered diplomas in the field of education. However, after becoming part of Unam in 2011 it now offers different programmes.

The campus offers Diploma in Entrepreneurship and Venture Management, Higher Diploma in Accounting and Auditing, Degree in Business Administration, Bachelor’s Degree in Education for Pre, Lower and Upper Primary Education, and this year introduced a 2-year Diploma in Junior Primary Education (DJPE).

The Rundu campus now has an enrolment figure of 1 481 students, 1 164 full-time and 317 distance students, compared to 2011 when it only had 354 students.

“Dear graduates from Rundu campus, the happiness of discovery only comes to those who venture into stormy seas. You succeeded in becoming the Unam pioneer students of this campus because you ventured into the Unam degree programme while it was unknown to you and you made history today in becoming the first bachelor degree graduates from this Unam campus ‘made in Rundu’! Congratulations on your great day and achievement,” said Hangula.

“We have come a long way as a nation, we have seen so much together but not so much than this day at Unam Rundu campus. For the first time, in the mighty Kavango East Region, honours degrees will be conferred to these young men and women sitting before me. Congratulations, today you have scaled many challenges on your way and have made yourselves, your parents and indeed your entire nation proud,” said Ndjoze-Ojo.

“The nation is dependent on you as you work hard to move this great nation forward, the ideals, hope and aspirations of this beautiful country are now placed on your shoulders as you start asking not what your country can do for you, but instead ask what you can do for your country. Only you now have the torch of enlightenment to march into the darkness of illiteracy and illuminate those far from education to see the light,” she said.