
USA assists NWR in tourism training

Home Business USA assists NWR in tourism training

The Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs in the  United States of America’s Department of State invited Namibia Wildlife Resorts (NWR) to attend a training programme on identifying trends in tourism and economic development.
The programme, which started on Sunday and will run until May 29, aims to examine strategies and policies on how to promote tourism locally, regionally and internationally including marketing, infrastructure, public safety and customer service.
NWR employee Elago Iipinge was invited to be one of the participants among 17 delegates from other countries.
The invitation came against the backdrop of NWR recently being awarded internationally for its improved business processes and quality service.
Last year, NWR partnered with SOLIMAR International, which is a tourism development and marketing firm, with the aim of creating awareness about Namibia as a preferred destination in order to increase American arrivals at NWR establishments.
NWR’s Managing Director, Zelna Hengari, expressed her gratitude for the kind gesture that was shown through the company being invited.
“It goes to show that not only is NWR being recognised in Europe but we are also gaining momentum in the USA. I would therefore like to thank the Department of State for giving us this opportunity to acquire valuable knowledge that we can utilize to further our goal of becoming profitable,” stated Hengari.
She added that the relationship between tourism and economic development will be a key topic covered, noting that the matter is key to Namibia as tourism is among the vital areas included in the Fourth National Development Plan (NDP4) as a key driver in increasing employment within the country.
Iipinge, who is a database administrator, could not say much but  assured to bring back the best out of the training.
“I am grateful for this opportunity as I will get time to receive deeper knowledge on the travel trade’s best practices and an opportunity to understand the North American market preferences and trends,” he added.