
Valombola to stand trial in High Court

Home National Valombola to stand trial in High Court

WINDHOEK – The prosecutor general has decided to prosecute Refugees Commissioner Likius Valombola, 53, for the death of former Namibia National Student Organisation’s (Nanso) executive member Helao Ndjaba. 

Ndjaba, 27, was shot in the head on May 19, 2018 in Katutura. 
According to the prosecutor general, Valombola is arraigned with a charge of murder and discharging of a firearm. The prosecutor general has decided Valombola’s case be transferred to the Windhoek High Court where he is to stand trial.

The Commissioner is expected to make his first appearance on August 15 for a pre-trial conference.
Valombola’s case attracted public attention, following his release from police custody before his mandatory first appearance in court. 

Namibian Police Chief Inspector from the Serious Crime Unit Rector Sandema who took the witness stand during the bail hearing, informed the court that there were irregularities and necessary procedures where not followed when he was released from lawful custody in May 2018. 

The prosecution is alleging that Valombola intentionally killed Ndjaba when he fired gunshots on the date in question. Ndjaba a bystander got shot while allegedly waiting to get a taxi by the side of the road in Oshitenda in Ombili area. 

Ndjaba died nine days later after being in Katutura State Hospital’s Intensive Care Unit (ICU) on life support machines fighting for his life. 

During his bail hearing, Valombola denied any wrongdoing when he took a no guilty plea after the charges were put to him. In his defence, he said he had no intention to harm anyone when he fired the shots. 
He alleges that at the time, he fired the shots, his life was in danger because of three unknown men who were banging his car.