
Vau Haukambe’s clip with his heroic grandmother

Home National Vau Haukambe’s clip with his heroic grandmother

   Paheja Siririka

WINDHOEK- The Top Trending clip on Entertainment Now!’s radar is of Vau Haukambe and his grandmother on Facebook. The caption on the clip reads, “You can call me mommy’s boy, “ts*k” I don’t give a… This woman did so much for me without school. The little I can do is be there for her. She’s 79 and I am 35 years old so calculate, the answer will tell you I am blessed to have her. She has Alzheimer’s, high blood pressure and has been diabetic for as much as I can remember. She remains my Champ”it reads.
Here is an extract from their dialogue between them translated from 
Otjiherero to English:

Vau: Mama, how is the dress, it’s the one I bought you. Can you see it? How does it look?
Grandmother: I look beautiful, the otjikaiva looks very nice.
Vau: Wantoe gaan ons, wantoe gaan ons? 
Grandmother: What is wantoe gaan ons?
Vau: Where are we going?
Grandmother: To your place.
Vau: No Mama, we are going to the hospital.
Grandmother: No, I haven’t and I don’t know why.
It is more humorous in Otjiherero. The clip has reaped comments on social media with some saying Vau should trim or shave his beard but with the masses saying such moments should be cherished, love those who love you and another saying keep it up, that’s the only real and true queen a man can have.