
Young entrepreneur collects water and soap for less privileged

Home Youth Corner Young entrepreneur collects water and soap for less privileged

Pinehas Shikulo, popularly known as Zuluboy, has embarked on a personal project to cater to the less fortunate by liaising with other stakeholders to provide water and soap to the less privileged communities in Windhoek.

Speaking to Youth Corner, the 28-year-old entrepreneur said the philanthropic move came about when he was thinking of who will be assisting and aiding the less fortunate during the lockdown, especially since hygiene is the focal point of everything at the moment.

“I noticed everyone running to the shops to buy food, sanitisers and masks, so I pondered on what’s happening to those who can’t afford these products? That’s when I had an epiphany and decided to lend a helping hand.

That’s basically how this initiative came about,” recalled Shikulo.
Shikulo and friends paid attention to areas such as Havana, to the homeless (people who live under bridges in Klein Windhoek) and an old age home in Dolam. “We started with those who live under the bridges in Klein Windhoek and moved to Katutura, where we gave to people who couldn’t access water that easily,” he said.
He said people are mostly fending for themselves, forgetting that for Namibians to survive through this outbreak, there is a need to work together, so that everyone can have access to clean water, soap and food – most importantly, to maintain good hygiene.

Shikulo initially went on social media to request those who could offer five litres of water. “I started requesting donations through social media and began with water, since it is the most essential thing right now for people to wash their hands. The soap was also important. With the various monetary donations we received from people, we also bought and distributed it,” he said.

Shikulo and team were short of N$500 to reach N$3 000 to buy 200 litres of soap, but they managed to solicit it at the time of going for print.

Shikulo credits the contribution by those who jumped on the wagon at short notice. 
“The National Commission on Research Science and Technology (NCRST) saw our plea and offered transportation to the areas we were donating to. That is commendable and highly appreciated. Information ministry donated water and we are forever grateful,” mentioned Shikulo.

He, however, said they need more soap. “As much as companies are giving water, we need more soap.
We want to carry this until we help those in need; we can’t assist everyone but we are doing our best with
what we have,” mentioned Shikulo, further stating the process highly depends on the longevity of the lockdown and the aid available.
– psiririka@nepc.com.na