061 music ready the summer

Home National 061 music ready the summer

 Onesmus Embula 

The 061MUSIC label is preparing for the launch of their album Nothing But Beautiful Music 
They are planning to release it by the end of this month. Slated to drop end of this month. This follows their second single, Falling, and before it, What You Wanna Do by musician Balu, Sinna-G and Tuko. The song Falling released online and on all radio stations, and is sung by Aimee Arnold, who goes by the stage name Aimer. “For every album, most artists do one or two experimental tracks and this for us was it. Only Aimer features on it and it’s a song that introduces you to her mature vocal ability,” 061Music label mate Sinna-G says. Initially recorded freestyle, the song morphed into a smooth track. DJ Dozza who is a fast rising artist and music producer produces falling. The deep house track was an experimental venture and suits Aimer’s mature and well-trained vocals.

The simple lyrics are about falling for your passion, Aimer’s passion is all about music, and it is the love for life. Her main genres are R&B and soul but she plays around with other sounds such as Afro pop. No stranger to music, Aimee comes from a musical family – she started her career as a little girl in church, singing and playing drums. Her older sister is a professional vocal instructor, her father an instrumentalist, her brother, a dynamic vocalist and her aunt an accomplished singer. “I feel that 061Music is a group that understands my vision and the crew is very encouraging. The message in my music is to uplift people and besides fun songs, there should always be a message of inspiration. That is what ‘Falling’ is all about. I’m excited about the single,” Aimer says.

If Falling is anything to go by, music lovers can expect good things in the future with her solo EP lined up for 2019. The reason why she was signed to the label, manager Sinna-G says: “The label was impressed by her vocal ability when she sang acapella and after hearing some of her recorded songs. She has a good personality to match, along with her serious approach to her music. She brings real dynamite to the team.”

The group has undergone some changes over the years with artists like Quido, Lucciano, Arlinda and the late great Catty. Catt joined in 2010. To remain relevant, the label had to reinvent its sound by bringing in new artists like the diverse Balu, street rapper Tuko and the enigmatic Aimer.

As for the album, Sinna-G says there is a lot in store for the summer. Their latest offering has 11 tracks of feel-good music for the hot weather. “You’ve already heard singles such as Down 4 the Nana and the song and video have been performing well,” says Tuko said who is also a member of 061 Music.