
28 graduate from sport medical course

Home National 28 graduate from sport medical course
28 graduate from sport medical course

The Dona Sports Medic Health and Experiences programme honoured 28 aspiring medical professionals with certificates on Friday.

This follows their participation in a training course held in the capital city from Monday to Thursday last week.

The event celebrated the culmination of an intensive training endeavour that left the participants well-prepared for their future roles.

Among those who received recognition at the ceremony, Alma Samuel, a passionate student of the programme, expressed her enthusiasm about the wealth of knowledge she had gained. She eagerly anticipates the opportunity to share this newfound expertise with her community.

“The training experience was exceptionally enriching,” remarked Samuel. “I now possess a profound understanding of concepts I previously had not encountered. For those of us who have acquired knowledge during this programme, it is our duty to apply these insights to bring about positive change in our communities and the lives of those around us.”

Meanwhile, another notable recipient was Sadney Urikhob, a former Brave Warriors striker who passionately encouraged fellow athletes to consider pursuing similar courses in the future.

“As a footballer, it’s imperative to explore alternate career avenues beyond the pitch,” said Sadney Urikhob. “This programme served as my inspiration. I’ve been providing assistance to my teammates with their injuries for some time now, and when the opportunity arose, I seized it. Such opportunities are fleeting, and, if left untapped, may never present themselves again.”

The youngest recipient, Goma Lopez, radiated enthusiasm and gratitude for the opportunity to participate in the programme, citing the influence of individuals already engaged in the field of sports medicine as his motivation.

“I am elated to be counted among the recipients,” expressed Lopez. “Looking ahead, I aspire to actively contribute by assisting those who are susceptible to injuries, be it on the field or elsewhere. My decision to join this programme was driven by the inspirational stories of individuals already making a difference in the field of sports medicine,” he said. –mkambukwe@nepc.com.na