40 000 registered for food relief in Ohangwena

Home National 40 000 registered for food relief in Ohangwena
40 000 registered for food relief in Ohangwena

The Office of the Prime Minister has urged members of the public to refrain from buying drought relief items but to rather notify the Namibian Police of any suspicious sales of such food in their areas.

According to the Chief Public Relations Officer, Rhingo Mutambo the Office of the Prime Minister has noted with great concern the theft of some food in Oshikango Warehouse, in the Ohangwena region intended for the drought relief programme, worth over N$600 000. 

“We are urging all 14 regional councils to safeguard the drought relief food items and ensure the timely distribution of these items to the intended beneficiaries,” he added.

Ohangwena governor, Sebastian Ndeitunga expressed disappointment with the six government employees who allegedly stole drought relief food.

“Over 40 000 households have been registered for drought relief programme, but only 16 000 will be able to benefit, as the food is not sufficient,” he said.

He argued that food is meant for hungry people, people who are in need, not for those with salaries.

Ndeitunga said it is disturbing to hear about a government employee stealing from the government.

“If you see anyone selling drought relief in your communities, let us know immediately so we arrest them,” he advised.

Ohangwena Deputy Commissioner Zacharia Amakali said the case of the six employees from Ohangwena’s risk management unit was postponed to 02 April, for further police investigation.

The six were arrested by the police and are accused of theft of drought relief food. 

They are Minna Uukule (33), Jeipo Delany Hilongwa (42), Nehemia Shoovaleka (36), Gerrie van Wyk (42), Fillemon Shikongo (44), and Simon Joseph (33).

The OPM is expected to roll out the drought relief programme and food assistance to all affected subsistence farmers in rural areas in all 14 regions, effective 01 October 2023 to June 2024.

This programme is expected to cost the government N$892. 4 million.

– vkaapanda@nepc.com.na