75 learners suspended from hostel after stabbing incident

Home International 75 learners suspended from hostel after stabbing incident

Loide Jason

Ongwediva-About 75 learners at Haudano Senior Secondary School at Okalongo circuit in the Omusati Region were suspended from the hostel for bad behaviour that left a teacher nursing an injury after he was knifed.

The disciplinary committee at Haudano suspended the learners from the school hostel for unruly behaviour earlier this week. According to chairperson of the school board Enos Haufiku, there was a school tournament in the area where some learners were reported to have consumed alcohol.

“In the evening, there was an entertainment event at school. This is where the incident with a teacher occurred. He was stabbed by an outsider that was with the learners,” said the school board chair.

Haufiku said the teacher was trying to restore order in the hall and some people – who were believed to be under the influence of alcohol – resisted his orders and stabbed him with a knife.

He said this was not the first time learners had been suspended by the school.
“Last year we suspended about 70 learners who also misbehaved in school. That is a school rule that was approved by parents,” he explained.

Haufiku said he could not recall the details of each case, but said some of the learners were found with cellphones, some were drunk, and some had gone out of school boundaries without authorisation from the hostel superintendent.

Last year, some learners were also caught stealing alcohol at a nearby suburb and were arrested for it.

He said the school would not tolerate bad behaviour from wayward and delinquent learners.

“We understand the plight of the parents that learners are now roaming around the location. Yet, this is where other day-learners are also staying. We cannot change the rule that was endorsed by all the parents,” he insisted.

He said parents should understand that ill-disciplined learners tend to cause destruction of school property and influence other learners.

New Era is reliably informed that among the group some were suspended for three months, while others were suspended for the duration of the 2017 academic year. Some of the suspended learners are believed to be roaming the location engaging in drinking sprees and there are concerns this will impact on the school’s academic performance.

Contacted for comment, Haudano Senior Secondary School principal Sawu Christoph confirmed the suspension, but refused to disclose further information.