
Khomas Boxing Federation cries foul

Home Sports Khomas Boxing Federation cries foul

… fumes over alleged slap in face

WINDHOEK – Local boxing officials are left with egg on the face following damning accusations of maladministration from one of its most powerful affilates, the Khomas Boxing Federation (KBF).

In a letter addressed to New Era Sport, the regional boxing federation is fuming over the Namibia Boxing Federation’s (NABF) decision to host the national championships for both junior and senior boxers, slated for this weekend.

The mighty Khomas  Region are the reigning champions after claiming last year’s national boxing championship and represents reputable clubs such as Warriors, Golden, Soweto and Nestor Sunshine. It says it only learned through the media that the mother body will stage the 9-day national championships in Rundu, starting tomorrow.

Khomas expressed concern over the timing and lack of proper communication from the presiding body, adding that as much as they would have liked to participate as defending champions, they will be unable to participate because they were not properly informed nor received an invitation.

“We are fast approaching the festive season and as we are all aware,  schools and universities are on hiatus with most boxers having left for their holiday destinations. It has been reported in the press that fourteen regions will participate in the event but we did not receive an invitation from the mother body. It is with regret and dismay that we have to announce that the Khomas Region will not participate in this year’s National Boxing Championship,” reads part of the statement.

NABF long serving Secretary General Joe Kaperu laughed off the accusations saying those who claim to have not been informed are lying through their teeth. “It’s total lies! For starters, this so-called concerned boxing group does not even have a properly constituted committee so how can they question the integrity of the national body,” shot back Kaperu angrily.

“All the affected clubs have been properly informed well in advance but if they choose to stage a boycott for reasons only known to thesmelves, let them do likewise, the tournament will go ahead as initially planned because NBF does not only depend on Khomas.”

By Carlos Kambaekwa