Ruling party receives PLAN weapons

Home Featured Ruling party receives PLAN weapons

…remarkable show of trust, loyalty

EHAFO – An elderly couple returned several guns to the ruling Swapo Party, which were given to them for safekeeping by a People’s Liberation Army of Namibia (PLAN) commander during the country’s bitter liberation war, despite the obvious risk and dire consequences of detection.

Last Saturday Tatekulu Jordan Inahonde Nelundu handed over seven guns to Swapo Secretary General Nangolo Mbumba at the village of Ehafo in the Uukwiyuushona constituency of the Oshana Region. Oshana Regional Governor Clemens Kashuupulwa is the one who informed the ruling party about the guns in possession of the elderly couple. According to him the elderly man approached him a few years back and since then kept asking him about a certain individual, whom he did not know. “One day we met and he asked me if I knew Kaitaholo. I told him that yes, I knew him. Ever since then he would tell me to inform Kapitaholo to come and see him. This went on for sometime until one day he decided to tell me why he has been looking for Kapitaholo, saying it is because Kapitaholo gave him guns before independence,” the governor recounted this incredible tale of trust and loyalty. “I realised this was a serious issue, and didn’t know what to say anymore, because in essence I did not know who Kapitaholo was,” said Kashuupulwa.

The governor then informed Oshana Regional Police Commander Commissioner Ndahangwapo Kashihakumwa who went to confirm that tatekulu Nelundu indeed was in possession of arms that belonged to PLAN. Kashuupulwa said some of the weapons, such as the Scopio and the RPPC that were found in the possession of tatekulu Nelundu were heavy ones that could only have come from a senior and respectable PLAN commander. “This means that Kapitaholo was a big commander,” reflected Kashuupulwa.

He said he understands why tatekulu Nelundu had kept the guns for such a long time, since Oshiwambo culture dictates that one should only return an item to the person who from whom it had been received in the first place. Kashuupulwa however urged members of the community, who find themselves in similar circumstances as tatekulu Nelundu, not to keep such weapons to themselves, but to contact the Swapo Party Regional Coordinator in the Oshana Region, Erastus Kapolo, for the return of such weapons to the authorities. The Swapo Party has decided to donate all weapons that belonged PLAN to the government.

Mbumba who received the weapons on behalf of the ruling party, applauded tatekulu Nelundu and his wife for their loyalty and ability to store the weapons in total secrecy for so many decades.

“If some of you get something as simple as a letter to take to President Pohamba in confidence, it won’t be long before you start telling everyone. But heroes like tatekulu Nelundu has kept this secret for a very long time,” Mbumba said.


By Helvy Shaanika