
Labour unrest hits Nu Diamonds

Home Business Labour unrest hits Nu Diamonds

By Edgar Brandt

WINDHOEK – Labour unrest ensued in Windhoek’s Prosperita Industrial Area late last week as workers from Nu Diamonds Manufacturing staged a peaceful demonstration which was prompted by alleged uncompromising attitudes, unfair labour practices, favouritism and inhuman practices by the company’s General Manager, Efrahim Drezener.

According to the Mineworkers Union of Namibia (MUN) the situation at the company reached boiling point when the union’s Central Regional Organiser, Sakaria Simon, was refused entrance to the company premises. “The management at Nu Diamonds refused me access to their premises while our recognition agreement with them clearly states that the union may not be refused access,” said Simon.

Workers at the company also claim that Drezener is selective in deciding who receives financial assistance from the company. “Drezener told the workers that if they want to borrow money they must go borrow from Sakaria Simon. This attitude by Drezener is unacceptable and we are urging him to change with immediate effect,” said the MUN’s shop steward at Nu Diamonds, Petronella Gawases, while reading a petition which was intended to be handed over to management. However, management refused to answer their phones late on Thursday afternoon and thus did not receive the petition from the demonstrating workers. Management also refused to take any calls from this reporter on Friday, with the receptionist simply saying “they are not around”.

In addition, management answered their cellphones on Friday but one person on the other end said; “This person is not here. They must have left their cellphone at work.”

Upon following up yesterday (Monday) the company’s management was still unavailable to talk to this reporter.

Further allegations by the demonstrating workers include that Drezener removed the different grades, or levels, the workers were assigned. “During the time of Kim Verdonk the regional organiser was always welcome at the company premises at meetings with either the BEC members and management whenever the two parties could not reach an agreement to attempt any possible solution.

Why is it different now that Drezener is in charge? This is totally regarded as a contravention of the recognition and procedurals agreement signed by the two parties,” remarked Gawases.

The MUN is now demanding that Nu Diamonds, and Drezener in particular, treat all employees equally and without discrimination and favoritism. Further demands are that Drezener allows the MUN’s regional organiser to meet workers either at the company premises or at any other place of their choice as stipulated in the recognition agreement. “That Efrahim Drezener must change his attitude towards workers. Failure to comply will leave the union no other option but to request the removal of the directors,” said Gawases.