
Court defers theft trial

Home National Court defers theft trial

By Tunomukwathi Asino

WINDHOEK – Incomplete investigations in the case in which two Katutura Magistrate’s Court staff face a charge of fraud, alternatively theft, forgery and uttering, for allegedly stealing N$207 200 meant for child maintenance from the same court where they worked forced another postponement.

As a result, the matter was remanded to February 20 next year for further police investigations.

The two are Novengi Uarino (26) and Fatima Tjihoreko (27).

They were each granted bail of N$15 000 last month, however Tjihoreko has to report to the Wanaheda police station every Monday and Friday at 07h00 and 19:00, while Uarino has to report to the Windhoek police station on the same days and at similar times.

The two were also warned not to leave the borders of Namibia pending the finalisation of the case and they were further cautioned not to interfere with police investigations.

The two allegedly stole N$207 200 from the department responsible for child maintenance through false claims.

The theft happened between 2011 and 2013. The two allegedly embezzled the money by pretending that claims for payment were submitted at the maintenance section.

State prosecutor Anthony Wilson opposed bail because the investigations are at an infant stage.

There is also a case pending for Katutura Magistrate’s Court interpreter Erastus Shaama, and his cousin Asser Shakumeni Ndongo, who both face a charge of massive theft linked to the disappearance of N$3 million from a walk-in safe.

The theft took place between February 16 and April 16, 2009. Shaama was arrested on August 16, 2011 and granted bail of N$10 000 on October 27, while Ndongo was arrested a few days later and to date the N$3 million, some of which was reportedly splurged on a luxury vehicle, has to be recovered.