
Nampol did not overspend on SARPCCO games

Home Archived Nampol did not overspend on SARPCCO games

WINDHOEK – The Inspector-General of the Namibian Police (Nampol), Sebastian Ndeitunga, has vehemently rubbished media reports that the police squandered N$50 million during the Southern Africa Regional Police Chiefs Cooperation Organizations (SARPCCO) Games in Windhoek in August. There have been reports that Nampol exceeded its budget by N$17 million on the games, by accommodating athletes and officials in luxurious hotels and spending on excessive luxurious items and services.

Ndeitunga says the report is contradicting itself as the police had budgeted only N$38 million for the games, and received a total funding of N$35 million from government, with an additional N$1 million that was collected from various donations. Ndeitunga, at a media briefing this week, asked how could Nampol squander N$50 million if the institution did not even have that amount of money in the first place. The eighth SARPCCO games took place on August 19 to 30 in Windhoek with 1 619 athletes and officials from 14 Southern African Development Community (SADC) member countries in attendance.

“The reports [are] not only misleading but also devoid of any truth. As a public and law maintaining institution, we are expected to be accountable at all times and for every cent spent, and as such, we should have been accorded the opportunity to finalize our financial records with regard to the SARPCCO games expenditures and then do our presentations appropriately,” said Ndeitunga.

The police chief explained that Nampol had to cut costs in order to stay within the available N$36 million funds. As a result Nampol’s total spending during the course of the games amounted to about N$27 million, which translated into a saving of N$7 million from the N$35 million government grant and close to N$256 000 of the sponsors money.

“These amounts that we saved will be used within the current financial year,  2013/2014. We even have some foodstuff and drinks such as fish, meat, juice and mineral water amongst other stuff, which we will soon decide to either donate to orphanage homes or even to our officers patroling the country’s borders,” said Ndeitunga.


By Otniel Hembapu