
New Shambo band to launch album

Home Archived New Shambo band to launch album

WINDHOEK– The newly founded Shambo music band, Nakapandi Koikuti Onghwalukuwa, will be launching their first album, Ohango, next Friday at the Nau-Aib Stadium in Okahandja.

 Ohango consists of 13 traditional songs. According to co-founder, Victor Nakapandi, a principal at Five Rand Primary School, the band worked on this album to inspire the youth to do something in their life. The band was formed in 2011 and it consists of ten members, three vocalists and seven additional back up dancers. “It all started back then when I was a leader of a school cultural group, most of the members are from my former school group,” he notes. “Most of our songs are traditional and yet have a message to the youth to stop drinking and using drugs and concentrate on doing positive thing that benefit them in life,” says Nakapandi.

Onghwalukuwa isnamed after the African Eagle bird. “I chose to name the group this name because this bird is visionary and hardworking, so the bird best describe my band,” affirms he the name. The album is their best way to convey their message to the youth on traditional things that forefathers used to do. “Through Ohango the youth can learn the culture that we are losing, and give hope to those who don’t know what to do with their life, as most of our members are young people from Five Rand informal settlement in Okahandja.”

The launch will be on November 1 featuring local artists Elize, Gazza, Wild Dogs, Ngunda, Tuzizyi and many more. Tickets are available at the SWAPO Office, Amagoes Bar, Lucas Bar, Ketu Bar and  Back Street Bar, all in Okahandja, or by contacting Nakapandi at  0812720841 or 0817422283. “The night of the launch there will be judge to choose one best performer, from the group of upcoming artists of Five Rand and the band will help the winner to release an album next year,” concludes Nakapandi.


By Sabina Elago