
Grade 12 mattress thief convicted

Home Archived Grade 12 mattress thief convicted

ONGWEDIVA – A Grade 12 learner at the Oshituwa Combined School in Endola on Wednesday was sentenced to a fine of N$1000 or alternatively six months’ imprisonment in the Oshakati Magistrate’s Court for the theft of two mattresses from his school.

Magistrate Mikka Namweya found the accused Sam Heita from Ouhongo village in Ohangwena Region guilty of stealing two mattresses to the value of N$700 from Oshituwa Secondary School on August 10 2013.

The Grade 12 learner who chose to conduct his own defence pleaded guilty to the charge, admitting he took the mattresses without permission from the school where he is a pupil.

State prosecutor Mutafela Likando advised the court that although the mattresses were recovered and that the accused was a  first offender, the offence that he  committed is common and prevalent in the Oshakati and Omungwelume districts and hence he should be punished.

The father of one opted to pay the fine of N$1000 to enable him to return to school to continue with his Grade 12 national examinations.


By Nuusita Ashipala