The tale of a doggie-kittens

Home Columns The tale of a doggie-kittens

ARE we hoeka gullible or do we just want to believe in gemors?

I mean, how can a dog give birth to cats? It sounds comical but not until people start believing the crazy story to be true.

The NBC showed live how the Samaritan dog was nursing the abandoned cats and as usual the kasie was on fire talking. Seeing is believing mos.

Some people’s tongue were wagging wild over the story and how the father of the babies must have been angry when it realized that the offspring looked nothing like him. “I am sure that the father (dog) is very hurt that his lover was messing around with cats while he thought she was exclusively his,” one person remarked.

Another man trying to justify ‘passion killing’ said: “Ja, females can’t be trusted whether they are animals or human beings. This is the reason we have ‘passion killing’ incidents at such an alarming rate.”

 I realized it was better to keep quiet than take part in a conversation which clearly was not going to take us anywhere. Recently somebody was beaten up over an English soccer match where rivals Manchester United and Liverpool were playing.

But since curiosity got the better of me, I decided to investigate this doggie-kitty story and what I hear is that it is scientifically impossible for them to produce offspring. They can be naughty in their hoekies, but the cat has only 19 chromosomes as opposed to a dog, which has 39 chromosomes. The only way that mating can be successful is when their chromosomes match.

I have so far only seen a mule, which is a cross between a female horse and male donkey. I have also heard of a hybrid between a lion and a tiger and babies between a dog and a wolf, but never between a cat and a dog.

Please tell me it is not true that our forensic units kama withdrew blood from the kittens and its supposed mother to see if the DNA matches.

I hope they are not going to send the blood samples to Canada because I can only imagine how those laanies are going to have a field day in some pub.

I don’t know how they talk or joke but jerre jerre spare me the embarrassment.

There was another wild story making the rounds in the Tura about some woman who was kastig taken to Goreangab Dam by a foreign man who apparently turned into some strange animal and sucked on her titis until she died.

She apparently met the stranger in a supermarket where he offered to pay for her groceries before he took her to a Single Quarters bar where they bought drinks and meat for an afternoon makiti at the dam.

When I tried to enquire who the person was, where she lived or who her family was, no one was ready to testify. Strange enough, they knew every single detail of what had transpired but no one could own up to the story.

Mbuae, they say seeing is believing, mara we waste our breaths on strange phenomenon we have no proof of. And I for one will not believe in such things – not even in “resurrected” prophets of doom who have kama been to heaven and back or the child who was vomiting rocks out of her body in Hakahana, Katutura.

Religion is quite a thorny subject these days and if you weren’t raised in a Christian home or didn’t have religious teaching, I think you mustn’t play with de Lord or take the Bible literal. I know there are thousands of theories and interpretation of the holy book but can we just take a chill pill, please.

Many of us have tales about miracles we heard or supposedly saw. But this latest story about the love relationship between a dog and cat making a baby is what I call ovihambarere (fiction).

Sorry Ngo!


By Magreth Nunuhe