
Female learners sexually harassed

Home Archived Female learners sexually harassed

WINDHOEK – Some male teachers reportedly continue to abuse female learners at Jacob Marengo Secondary School in Windhoek it has emerged.

Learners who spoke on condition of anonymity accused some teachers of harassing them and making use of abusive language and even physically hitting female learners. “Male teachers do not respect female learners and disregard our femininity, because they pull us by the belt and pants as well as push us around physically,” alleged one female learner. According to the learners who asked for anonymity detention for late coming can last up to seven hours. “Some of us are constantly in detention, because we live far. Detention can be from 13h00 to 17h00 or even 20h00 depending on who is imposing the detention,” said one learner.

Learners say some of the teachers speak in their vernaculars when addressing learners and during lessons and spend the majority of the time bragging about their personal achievements even the destinations that the teachers have apparently visited. Some students have allegedly been kicked out of class for more than two months now. “One teacher asks girls for their cell phone numbers, calls after school hours requesting us to meet him in town for lunch after which we should apparently go to his room. When you turn him down or refuse to give him your number you are victimised in class,” complained one of the female learners.

Favouritism is also rife at the school and one teacher only focuses on his talismanic learner, whom he addresses as ‘moh-moh’ and tells the rest of the class that he does not care about them. “We are afraid to ask questions in class, because the environment is not good if you are not criticised and called stupid the teacher will simply say come to my room and you will understand everything,” said a frustrated female learner. Learners also claim that these are some of the reasons why they are not progressing as well as they could.

“The male teachers just like female learners too much and even go as far touching and referring to some of us as their wives,” said another learner. Last month the Minister of Education Dr David Namwandi  warned teachers against romantic relations with students. “Government schools are not maternity wards, they (the guilty men) must be arrested,” said Namwandi, adding that those who pursue romantic relations with learners are not only ruining the future of the younger generation, but also act as enemies of progress in the quest to realise national developmental plans.



By John Travolter Matali