
Record dagga bust trial postponed

Home Archived Record dagga bust trial postponed

WINDHOEK – Dagga suspect Richard Blaau will have to wait for six months until his next court appearance following a request by his lawyer.

Defence counsel Orben Sibeya requested a postponement to March 03 next year. Standing in for Sibeya was Kalundu Kamwi who told Magistrate Hileni Kavara the defence did not receive disclosure as yet and that Sibeya is busy with another matter that is taking precedence as it has been on the court roll for the last five years. Blaau was set to plead to the charges he faces on Tuesday. He is accused of dealing in a dangerous dependence-producing drug after he was caught red-handed with 24 bags with 2 301 brown paper packets of dagga in the truck that he was driving at the time of the seizure.

The street value of the cannabis is estimated at N$1.8 million and he was arrested at the scene. Blaau was granted bail of N$70 000 by Magistrate Stanley Mwilima Tembwe following the bail hearing, which lasted a couple of weeks, which was later reduced to N$30 000 in November last year. When he reduced Blaau’s bail Magistrate Stanley Mwilima Tembwe stressed the fact that the reduction in bail did not mean the seriousness of the offence the accused is facing was overlooked, but that with the stringent bail conditions already behind his name he was satisfied that bail could be reduced.

The conditions for bail remain that Blaau does not interfere with police investigations and that he reports Wednesday and Friday between the hours of 08h00 to 13h00 at the Windhoek Drug Enforcement Unit. He must also hand in all his travel documents and he may not apply for new travel documents. The last condition stipulates Blaau is not allowed to leave the district of Windhoek without the consent of the investigating officer. Blaau was arrested on August 22 near Brakwater in the Windhoek district following a tip-off, which saw police following him from the Gobabis border post until the moment of his apprehension.


By Roland Routh