
Rosh Pinah murder accused loses counsel

Home Crime and Courts Rosh Pinah murder accused loses counsel

WINDHOEK – Another snag hit the supposed start of the murder and attempted murder trial of 37-year-old Petrus Friedel Kobus Frederick, when his Legal Shield appointed lawyer, Braam Cupido withdrew as his attorney.

Cupido informed Judge Alfred Siboleka that he can no longer defend Frederick as Legal Shield issued him a letter to withdraw from the case citing the failure of Frederick to pay his monthly premiums. The case was heard by Judge Siboleka, in order to fix a date for pleading and trial. Frederick had at an earlier appearance before Judge President Petrus Damaseb indicated that he wished to plead guilty to all charges against him, but this was refused by State Advocate Antonia Verhoef since there are indications that Frederick would claim self-defence on the attempted murder charge.

Frederick lamented the fact that Legal Shield refuses to pay for his defense saying through an interpreter: “It is not fair on me, I’ve been paying my dues to Legal Shield for a long time and now that I’m incarcerated they don’t want to assist me.” Judge Siboleka however informed him that as far as he knows one must be a paid up member of the legal insurance firm to be represented by one of their attorneys. Frederick informed the Judge that he did ask his younger brother to arrange for a stop-order for Legal Shield and to pay the premiums into his bank account every month, but apparently the fault lies with the bank. He asked for a postponement to sort out the issue, which was granted. Frederick’s elderly father was in the audience and he begged the court to grant him a few minutes with his father who “travelled from far to come and see me.” Judge Siboleka told Frederick that he cannot make such an order, but nevertheless asked the police officer, who brought him to court to allow him a few minutes with his father, which request was granted. The Judge then postponed the matter to October 15 to sort out his legal issues.

It is alleged that Frederick murdered Bonaventura Skeyer, an adult female with whom he was in a perceived romantic relationship, at Rosh Pinah in the Karas Region on February 26, 2012. It is alleged that the deceased and Frederick got involved in an argument and that he stabbed Skeyer at least 27 times to her neck and chest area with a knife or knives. Skeyer died at the scene of the stabbing due to excessive blood loss. In the second count it is alleged that Frederick assaulted Rachid Chanick Klukowski by hitting, kicking and beating him on his head and body and breaking his collarbone and forearm in the process on December 03, 2011 also at Rosh Pinah.

By Roland Routh