Namibians have we all done our part?

Home Columns Namibians have we all done our part?

By Dr Wilfred Isak April


An Indian philosopher once said:  “When we grow in spiritual consciousness, we identify with all that is in the world, and there is no exploitation. It is ourselves we are helping. It is ourselves we are healing”. Coming back home in terms of entrepreneurial strategy and initiatives we see the opportunities afforded by the Ministry of Trade and Industry to benefit  Namibians. In early February this year an article titled “Big year for trade” appeared in one of our local newspapers. This article highlighted that no Namibian should struggle to sell their products in Namibia. I personally feel a lot has been done for Namibians, but what is the real problem, what is the real issue I want to address today? Everyone seems to be happy, so let us continue to be happy.

However there is also a concern, from some Namibians, that immigrants grab all opportunities. I have no answer to that one. All I would like to know is what have you as a Namibian, irrespective of what sector of employment, or in case you are unemployed, what have you done with the plenty of opportunities you were first given by God and secondly the Namibian Government?

Now I come to my main theme, teaching us to give back in life and professions should be at the heart of any entrepreneurial strategy.  What you have acquired in your life, you should share with those who are not privileged or possess less. I am going to highlight three aspects of giving back (either as an individual or an organisation). The first relates to financial success. Many Namibians including my friends and acquaintances have achieved financial success through profession or otherwise? By now some readers will say, I worked for it and I deserve it. Calm down, the point I am trying to make is that the time has arrived to share it with those who need more or have less.  If you have succeeded above everyone else, it is not solely by yourself but also through others.


The second aspect of giving back relates to our obligation as Namibians to share knowledge and time and give and expect only the best. We should try to make an impact where we exactly find ourselves at a particular point in time, through giving our precious time and knowledge. Be it in education, research or art. If the Ministry of Trade and Industry helped you with funding to start your own little cuca shop, you have the moral obligation to treat your fellow citizens with compassion, honesty, dignity and respect. Stop the blame game of I only got a loan of N$10 000 and I could not do much. If you could not do much with N$10 000, trust me there is not much you can do with N$10 100.


This brings us to the third aspect, which tells us to assume the role of a distinguished leader. A distinguished leader must be able to master his or her destiny, working with the government as an individual/collective to achieve Vision 2030. If the government of Namibia gives you a tender for census bags two weeks before census, do you believe that you can produce the amount required or would you prefer to share it with some players in the manufacturing industry? I will not give you an answer, but start to work on that and know yourself.


My people: Nothing endures but change (Heraclitus 480 BC).  Change and mindset is very powerful. It makes us uncomfortable and requires us to set a different tone, be it better or worse, for I know it would never be the same. As always my people be bold, stand firm and believe in yourself. With practice everything in life can be improved with maximum effort and one good way to do it is through educating your fellow countrymen/women.


Finally my thoughts on an excellent entrepreneurial leader. Stop looking around and start working. If anything else use the immigrants to your advantage. Associate yourself with those who are able to identify, differentiate and define a complex problem in a manner so everyone understands.  In the end it is all about “service” – stay blessed and give back to this great country.

• Dr Wilfred Isak April holds a PhD in Entrepreneurship.  Currently he is an academic in the Department of Management Sciences at Unam and aspires to pursue a doctorate in Jurisprudence and Social Policy in the near future.