Banking clients urged to submit required documents before October 5

Home Archived Banking clients urged to submit required documents before October 5

WINDHOEK – Since notices and media releases were issued regarding compliance with the Financial Intelligence Act (FIA), Bank Windhoek has been inundated with calls from clients about what they need to do and what documents they need to submit.

All banking clients, including individuals and business entities, are required to verify their personal information and provide necessary documentation to their nearest branch before October 5, 2013. Failure to do so will result in banks terminating their banking relationships with clients that are not FIA compliant.

Namibian citizens and residents, including sole proprietors, who are Bank Windhoek clients must verify the following information or submit the following required documents to their nearest branch:

1. Full Name

2.  Nationality

3.  One of the following, listed in order of preference:

– Namibian Identity Number

– Passport Number; or

– Date of Birth

Contact particulars:

Postal Address

Home Telephone Number

Work Telephone Number

Cellphone Number

Occupation or Source of Income:

Name and Address of Employer



If you are practising as a sole proprietor, nature and location of business activities and source of income.

Source of funds involved in the transaction (i.e. opening deposits).

To verify the above personal details, clients must present one of the following original documents or original certified copies.

1.  Namibian Identity Document

2.  Valid Namibian Passport

3.  National Identification Document issued under the Namibian Refugee (Recognition and Control) Act, 1999 (Act No. 2 of 1999) or the United Nations Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees of 28 July 1951 {FIA Regulation 10 (1) (b)}.

4.  Valid Namibian Driver’s Licence

5. Birth Certificate (only for clients under the age of 17 years).

6. Namibian Voters Card

This must also be accompanied by a pay slip or any other reliable document showing the name of your employer and your income, when applicable.


A Financial Intelligence Act Compliance Reference Guide booklet is available in all branches nationwide as well as on the Bank Windhoek website and clearly sets out the guidelines on which documents are required from clients when they wish to enter into a business relationship with any bank. For more information on FIA, please visit your nearest Bank Windhoek branch or clients may contact the Financial Intelligence Centre at the Bank of Namibia on tel: (061) 283 5100.




By Staff Reporter