NEPC unveils new newspaper

Home International NEPC unveils new newspaper

ONGWEDIVA – New Era Publication Corporation (NEPC) has launched the first-ever Namibian newspaper whose news content is entirely presented in an African indigenous language.

The weekly newspaper Kundana is published in Oshiwambo dialects Oshindonga and Oshikwanyama and was officially introduced during a high-profile event held at Ongwediva Trade Fair last week on Friday.

Initially NEPC will test the market with Kundana because Oshiwambo comprises the biggest segment of the population, whose market includes parts of southern Angola, before the idea is replicated in other indigenous languages.

NEPC Chief Executive Officer Dr Audrin Mathe elaborated that Kundana is just one of more products soon to be introduced by the corporation. He said by introducing Kundana, NEPC is basically fulfilling its mandate and a string of other products would soon see the light of day under the NEPC umbrella. According to Mathe, it is common knowledge that when people refer to New Era, they basically refer to New Era newspaper, which is supposed to be just one of the NEPC products.

Thus, apart from New Era newspaper and the newly introduced Kundana, NEPC intends having its own printing press among other services and products that could boost its revenue.

Mathe maintained that this year alone, NEPC will spend at least N$14 million on printing, which will increase to N$23 million by next year which is significantly more than the subsidy of N$7 million from the State. Thus, the establishment of the printing press will spare the company millions of dollars.

Other projects in the pipeline include a NEPC Centre of Journalism and an advertising agency, among others.

Mathe said NEPC could be a model that would end the government dependency syndrome of state owned enterprises (SOEs) as the company will not need government subsidies by 2017.

The Ministry of Information and Communication Technology (MICT) Permanent Secretary Mbeuta Ua-Ndjarakana who also delivered the speech of MICT Minister Joël Kaapanda congratulated NEPC for the new product. He said he was well aware Kundana is likely to receive criticism, even if the introduction of the publication is a step in the right direction.

He said in order to take information to all members of the society, including the not schooled members of the society, one has to disseminate information in vernacular languages.

“When the missionaries introduced Christianity, the Bible was translated into vernacular languages – this was a strategy to successfully communicate to the people. I know that some people will ask why Oshiwambo, but one has to start somewhere,” said Ua-Ndjarakana.

Oshana Regional Governor Clemens Kashuupulwa excitedly welcomed the new initiative, applauding NEPC for the initiative.

Kashuupulwa said Kundana will not only educate and entertain people but the paper will also give people an opportunity to express themselves through opinions in their own language.

According to the governor, gone are the days when some opinion pieces were not published as people had to compete for the limited space available in other newspapers.

Apart from Kundana newspaper, NEPC also launched an improved website of New Era, Kundana’s website and a cellphone application for products.

The Minister of Veterans Affairs Dr Nickey Iyambo officially launched the newspaper.

NEPC Chairman Dr Ben Mulongeni who congratulated Mathe and his team said the introduction of Kundana indicates Namibia is moving in the right direction. He said over the years the country depended on publications written in English but this is different with African countries such as Nigeria. Mulongeni advised that it is important for the country to have a common language that is not English. “I am also of the same opinion as Honourable Kashuupulwa, that we should not be ashamed of Namlish, Nigerians speak pidgin and they are proud,” said Mulongeni.


By Helvy Shaanika