
Bring home the moola

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BIG Brothel Africa is coming down this Sunday. Thank goodness. This uneventful season marred with onbeskofheid (pornography) was just not on. I am sure MultiChoice is not gonna think it’s funny but this was one hell of a boring show.

Whoever came up with the Chase idea must be perverted to think that we would enjoy Sodom and Gomorrah on our television screens.

You might think we Africans have ‘evolved’ according to the standards of the Western World where to fiki-fiki in public makes you more famous than becoming the American President but aikona, we learned that lesson dearly from our Ethiopian countrymen that behaving like a jumper on the show can land you in the tjoekie.

Yeah, call me old-fashioned all you wish, but the rest of Africa thinks like me with the exception of a few confused elements who think it’s cool if you take a sex video that spreads like wild fire in the school hostel corridors.

Chastity is still very much admired no matter what you think, my dearests.

Even if you see some Zimbos selling ‘blue movies’ underground here, it doesn’t mean that it is acceptable for us to parade ourselves like animals in a zoo.

I have said it so many times that no girl worth her salt will win the moola if she can’t keep her broekies on like a decent girl should. There is nothing wrong with being flirtatious and showing that you have got some charisma, but can’t you wait until you are out of Africa’s eye to do the do or is three months too long to wait?

That is why I am happy that for a change, our Maria and Dellish made us proud by keeping the boys at bay. This Sunday our beautiful princess most admired by Africa could make history by becoming the first Namibian to bring the moola home, but even if she doesn’t, we would still be proud of her.

But if Naija should win again, we should write a petition to MultiChoice to tell them in no uncertain terms that this show was perhaps created in the name of our north-western neighbours. How could you ever think of winning when the voting system is based on numbers and the Naija’s are spread all over Africa?

They should introduce a different voting system, sowaar. Next time, what they should do is bring in contestants who should keep it a secret where they come from. The one who makes it obvious where they hail from should be disqualified from the game.

That way we won’t base our votes on countries but on the capabilities of a contestant to entertain Africa as this thing about voting a country is creating a lot of hatred and animosity between nationalities.

With that I bid you a wonderful long hero’s weekend. Sorry Ngo!


By Magreth Nunuhe