
Ex-Minister Tipped for Foreign Post

Home Archived Ex-Minister Tipped for Foreign Post

By Kuvee Kangueehi


Former Deputy Minister of Youth and Sport Hidino Hishoongwa is expected to be appointed Namibia’s High Commissioner to Botswana.

Hishoongwa, who previously served as a deputy minister under various portfolios since independence, has been in the political wilderness after failing to make it to Parliament in the 2004 national elections.

At the time he missed out on a parliamentary seat, it was reported he was reluctant to vacate his office. He took a while to part with his ministerial car. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and State House were tight-lipped on the issue. It is not yet known when the announcement would be made.

President Hifikepunye Pohamba only arrived yesterday morning from the African Union Summit in Ghana.

Hishoongwa has since been stationed in the Ohangwena region where he has been acting as an adviser to the Queen of the Ovakwanyama, according to sources. The position of High Commissioner to Botswana has been vacant after Theresia Samaria was posted to Europe.

Earlier this year, President Hifikepunye Pohamba revoked the appointment of Tsukhoe Gowases as High Commissioner to Botswana in a move that appeared to catch everyone but foreign ministry insiders off guard.

The President duly appointed Gowases in August last year, with all the accompanying pomp and ceremony at State House but later rescinded the decision without an explanation.