
Nigerian Teachers Issue Cleared Up

Home Archived Nigerian Teachers Issue Cleared Up

By Frederick Philander


The arrival of Nigerian volunteer teachers is subject to the outcome of the filling of the current vacancies in all the education regions, in the event there are still vacancies that cannot be filled.

This is the explanation given by the Ministry of Education with regard to alleged wrong information in two local newspapers and on the national broadcaster NBC’s radio service.

The Nigerian High Commissioner, Prince Adegboyega Ariyo, was also apparently wrongfully quoted in the print media as saying: ‘We are happy to announce that about 160 Nigerian teachers of mathematics and physical science will be in Namibia before the commencement of the next academic year.’

“A request for Nigerian volunteer teachers will only be forwarded to the Nigerian authorities when such a needs arises,” the Permanent Secretary of Education, Vitalis Ankama, rectified the situation in a press statement.

Ankama urged teachers who are still unemployed to remain calm and await the outcome of negotiations between the Government and the Namibia National Teachers Union (NANTU)

“All regional education directors have been given a directive to ensure that only qualified teachers are being considered to fill such vacancies. Any chance for unqualified and under-qualified teachers can only arise under special circumstances, namely whether no qualified teachers are available to take up such a post,” he said.

He also urged unemployed qualified teachers to be on standby and in touch with regional education offices for possible appointment in such vacancies.