
NamPost Mail Goes Hybrid

Home Archived NamPost Mail Goes Hybrid

By John Ekongo


Namibia’s postal utility NamPost yesterday launched its newest technological acquisition in the form of a fully automated hybrid mail system.

The N$4,5-million fully automated hybrid mailing centre was shown off to potential customers and stakeholders during a small unveiling ceremony at the company’s premises in Windhoek’s Prosperita Industrial Park on the outskirts of town.

Delivering the keynote address at the launch, on behalf of the Deputy Minister of Works Transport and Communication Stephanus Mogotsi, Director of Communications in the Ministry, Henry Carstens, said: “It is important to note that NamPost as a State owned enterprise serves a development function and must therefore ensure that its services are available throughout the country.”

NamPost, the statement further reads, “has demonstrated its resolve to ensure world-class cutting edge technology in the postal services sector of Namibia”. The Deputy Minister added that investing in world-class mail management technology is important.

NamPost outgoing chief executive officer Sakaria Nghikembua said the decision of the company to invest in such a technology emanates from as far back as 2004. In fact, NamPost’s first ever system of such nature was established in May of 2004, as a pilot project. It was realised that the volumes of mail that was dealt with, at the hybrid mail centre was enormous and therefore a complete review and overhaul of machinery and operations needed to be done. Hence the rebirth of a new hybrid mail centre.

Hybrid mail allows clients to automate all or most of their mailroom processes. Businesses and organisations that regularly have to send out written communications to customers spend a lot of time and labour doing that, losing productivity and valuable time. With the new system in place, all laborious methods of paper handling that the companies go through will be done away with. In the new setup companies will only provide all data and information necessary to the hybrid centre by electronic means.

NamPost will then process this information in the required format, print the letters or statements, insert the statements into envelopes, stamp them, sort them into designated categories upon which it will be delivered to the end user.

In conclusion Mogotsi said: “My own assessment is that this upgrade signals a major step towards the establishment of a truly digital postal system in Namibia. As a Government we are happy that this investment like others before it by NamPost will bring us closer to making our economy more efficient and more attractive to foreign investments. It is also a significant milestone in our efforts to attain Vision 2030.”

Currently NamPost has well over 13 clients making use of their hybrid mail system.