
Nigeria High Commission Dismayed

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Re: Your article on page 16, New Era 27/2/08 – “Nigeria Tribunal Rejects Challenges to President”

I refer to your newspaper publication on page 16 dated 27th February 2008 on the above subject matter, and to state that I read with dismay and total disappointment your statement in paragraph 6 of that publication, characterising Nigeria as a “chaotic country”.

2. To say the least, your characterisation is provocative, unpalatable, uncharitable and unacceptable to the Nigeria High Commission in Windhoek in particular, and the Government and people of Nigeria in general.

3. More perplexing is the fact that the publication is coming from a newspaper in a country Nigeria has always held in high esteem and equally considered a very good friend, and has over the years demonstrated this friendship in all its ramifications from which New Era has itself benefited.

4. Suffice it to state that the Sovereign State of the Federal Republic of Nigeria has sitting elected government functionaries in all tiers of Government: in the Local, State and the Federal. She also has all the instrumentalities of government in place.

5. Also worthy of note is the fact that the Nigerian Government, not claiming to have attained perfection, instituted Tribunals under the Electoral Act of Nigeria to entertain complaints from persons who felt aggrieved at the end of the general elections conducted in April 2007. During the processes, there was transparency and the rule of law was allowed to prevail without let or hindrance.

6. The Nigeria High Commission in Windhoek, therefore, demands that an unreserved apology be immediately tendered in respect of the unwarranted and insulting publication on the Federal Republic of Nigeria by your Newspaper. At the same time, a complete retraction of that characterisation would be appreciated.

7. African newspapers should be a joiner in the process of pursuing the difficult agenda of nation building after our so-called friends destroyed and redirected our process of development.

8. We expect that this rebuttal should be published in the next edition of the New Era.

Amb. Adegboyega Christopher Ariyo
High Commissioner
Editor’s note:

The story in question originated from news agencies, Nampa and Reuters. We therefore feel that the “characterisation” should not be ascribed to New Era.