
Water Tablets Run Out

Home Archived Water Tablets Run Out

… Outreach Teams All Out to Stem Disaster

By Petronella Sibeene


Health officials in the north are running out of water purification chemicals amid reports that suspected cholera cases have shot up to 182.

Health Director for the Northern Regions, Dr Naftali Hamata, yesterday said the north is in short supply of water purification sachets and thousands of people risk contracting waterborne diseases.

Since floods started a month ago, two people have died of cholera in the Ohangwena Region while hundreds more have been treated for mild diarrhoea in the Omusati and Oshana regions.

“Water purification tablets are lacking. We need more because there are a lot of people affected,” said Dr Hamata.

Torrential rains have washed away roads, bridges, submerged schools and clinics and claimed more than 40 lives.

According to health officials, most roads have become inaccessible resulting in most people being cut off from health facilities. The inaccessibility of roads has also contributed to delays in health service delivery to the people by outreach teams.

“Even people who live only seven kilometres away from the clinics cannot reach because there is water all over,” said Dr Hamata.

Although Omusati has recorded no cases of cho-lera, the region continues to register cases of mild diarrhoea.

Namibia Red Cross Society National Manager, Naemi Heita, told New Era yesterday that the organisation has so far distributed 150??????’??