
Inside the Aged – ‘Coloured’ Walks Down Memory Lane

Home Archived Inside the Aged – ‘Coloured’ Walks Down Memory Lane

“When we played an Invitational side composed of white cops in Bloemfontein for the Zebra Cup in 1968 – the law enforcers would not take kindly to our dribbling skills and summarily hauled every skillful player off the pitch and gave them a thorough tongue-lashing for not showing an ounce of respect to their pale-skinned opponents.”

“Julle moet nie so vinnig hardloop nie – dit is nie rugby nie, en die bal mag glad nie met die haak gekap word nie want dit kan die ouens se hakskene baie lelik seermaak, hoor”

These were the strict orders from their opponents (clearly uttered in the Master’s lingo) when a South West Africa Bantu Invitational team toured South Africa during the days of yeah and nay.

“Our opponents even went to the extent of ordering us to fetch the ball for them whenever the ball went out of touch for a throw in or a goal kick and we had to oblige or face the wrath of the no-nonsense cops.

“After some deliberations, we were allowed to continue playing, of course with some restrictions but we still won the match but we never received the trophy and were told that it would be sent to us at later stage – well it did arrive but it was just a shield.”

Arguably one of the best goal-poachers to have ever emerged from the “Land of the Brave” Lisias “Coloured” Kakololo talks to Carlos Kambaekwa and relays some nasty tales of his turbulent football career and of course, his first brush with the late African Stars sharpshooter Cleophas “Siseva” Siririka in his very first competitive appearance for his beloved Tigers.

He also speaks about the time when the authorities ordered and threatened Tigers to change their blue and white stripped outfit because it “belonged” to Ramblers (by then a predominantly white club)


Born on 11 April 1936 in Windhoek, Lisias Kakololo fondly known as “Coloured” amongst his peers started playing football while still a young boy at the Rynse Mission Herero School in the old location.

Unaware of what should change his life for good, young Coloured and his childhood buddies Fritz Adam who happened to be a goalkeeper and Willy Nujoma were lazing about from a church sermon on a Saturday afternoon when they decided to go and watch Tigers against African Stars in a cup final at the Bantu Stadium in the old location in 1952.

Just before kick-off, Tigers were short of four players and young Coloured and both his buddies were summoned to take the field as stop-gap players.

Luckily for the youngsters, they still had their takkies on as sneakers were a cherished commodity in the sixties – after all, the boys were kitted out in their best attire as they were just coming from church.

“I vividly remember that day – a white dude going by the name of De Wet was the referee and the late African Stars’ sharpshooter Cleophas “Siseva” Siririka scored directly from the kick off – leaving us with a goal down” recalled Coloured.

“I was playing centre forward alongside Uncle Josephat “Cameroon” Kaurua and he was really encouraging me during that match, and because of his presence my confidence grew as the game progressed and with only a few minutes left, I got my name on the score sheet – beating Aphas Katjivirue hands down in Stars’ goal after exchanging some neat passes with the late Asser Mushimba.”

By that time, there was very little jubilation in the Tigers camp as their hard-to-please supporters had already left the stadium in anticipation of a defeat against their nemesis.

The match ended 1-all and had to be replayed a week later – but a star was born as Coloured was never going to be treated the same again and his overnight stardom saw the youngster receiving preferential treatment from the elders and of course special attention from the lasses.

Young Coloured did not have to wait long to announce his arrival in domestic football albeit his tender age and skinny frame.

The youngster was in the starting lineup when Tigers confronted African Stars in the replay on a steamy Sunday afternoon and he did certainly live up to the occasion by netting both goals in his team’s 2-Nil victory over Stars.
By 1954, Coloured was an established name in local football circles and any Invitational side without his name on the team sheet would be considered incomplete.

He was an integral part of the South West Africa Bantu Team that played against the visiting South African Bantu Eleven. The hosts lost both friendly matches as the South Africans toyed around with them and made the Southwesters run around like headless chickens.

At Tigers, Coloured rubbed shoulders with other great footballers such as the late quartet of Erastus Kariteka, Asser Mushimba, Willy Nujoma and Ouleft Daona in the late 50’s and early sixties.

In later years, he formed a dangerous combination with the late Timo Mwetuyela in the star-studded Tigers side that included the likes of Onesmus Akwenye, the Mbako siblings Tives and Nandos, Honnie Ochurub, Seth Urib and Sackey Ipinge amongst a talented bunch of footballers.

“In those days we had a tricky little player going by the name of Joseph Amti.

He was a railway policeman and enjoyed the rare privilege of travelling to South Africa back and forth and each and every time he came back from the Republic he would come up with a few new tricks – much to the excitement of the crowd.”

Teams were run and established more along tribal lines and Tigers had a few brushes with the authorities who were not very keen on the team’s blue and white colours and also ordered them to change their name because it felt Tigers was inappropriate for a soccer club as it symbolized violence.

Tigers used to be a very dangerous outfit but the team was weakened by the exodus of some of the best players into exile, and up to this day the team is still struggling to reclaim its former glory days.

The 71-year old Coloured is still very active and currently serves as a community leader in the Khomas Regional Council.

He strongly feels former footballers are not getting the recognition they so dearly deserve and urged football authorities to at least acknowledge the role they have played towards the establishment of domestic football.