
Swedish Embassy Must Answer

Home Archived Swedish Embassy Must Answer

I APPRECIATE your allowing me to raise an issue in your paper that has created concern not only for me but many other people I presume.

This opinion is not meant to offend or to embarrass the Swedish Embassy but rather to bring to their attention a matter of concern and also to seek clarity.

The Swedish Embassy has openly acknowledged its financial support to the organisation they probably think has good intentions. But if it is the case, then the fact remains that 90% of its activities are misdirected.

If Sweden is peace loving as it has been, then it should look into the funding of the organization in question to see whether the money it gives is put to good use or whether it is used for destructive activities.

If Sweden knows but stays mum, then this is a cause of concern and this would be interpreted as being an accomplice in the destabilization of this country.

A case in point is the activities of the National Society for Human Rights (NHSR). The activities of the director of this organization and his staff are 90% directed to monitor, attack, vilify, insult, fling mud at, disrespect and belittle either Mr Nujoma, SWAPO or its leaders. This has been going on for years and on a daily basis. A deaf or even a newly born baby can testify to this.

If Sweden is doubting this, then it should get first hand information by tuning into the NBC Radio chat shows in both Oshiwambo and English on a daily basis or check different papers on a weekly basis.

The majority and the most active callers of these shows are none other than the staff members of the NSHR, either in the morning or evening shows, and they have been hammering on the same issue of either Nujoma and SWAPO or its leaders and nothing else.

This conduct by the organization in question is not only unacceptable but disturbing, an embarrassment to Namibia and has also angered many people.

Apart from fuelling hatred, this conduct has the potential to ignite fire in this country. Hence the financial boost by the Kingdom of Sweden to NSHR contributes to their activities.

So, if Sweden is sincere why not consider or re-look at how its money is being utilized and take appropriate measures? On the other hand, if it is aware of these activities, should we call it an act of an accomplice in the destabilization activities of our country?

For example, in the recent event of the meetings of the two parties at Omuthiya of SWAPO and the RDP, one can testify as to how information can be distorted. What actually happened was totally different from what Phil ya Nangoloh and his staff members reported both on the radio and in the papers since I was personally there. What a shame.

The activities of RDP that can be interpreted as provocative were nowhere in their reports. If the police are impartial why not come up with their objective reports to clear the matter? Or should there be a question too?

The conduct of Phil ya Nangolo in the SWAPO crowds who was even restrained by the police were not even mentioned.

It is a pity to have an organization as the one in Namibia calling itself a watchdog displaying itself as such. No sane person can call NSHR a credible organization.

Can those who are funding NSHR, Sweden included, take as true what NSHR reports to them? If yes, then our concern will be justified.
