
Charities Rescue Needy Learner

Home Archived Charities Rescue Needy Learner

By Frederick Philander


In a collaborative effort, the Windhoek High School Development Accountant Fund and the Christina Swart-Opperman Aids Orphan Foundation Trust on Monday contributed N$2 000 towards the schooling of a needy Khomasdal learner.

“I want to tell you how touched I am by your gesture to donate time, effort and also certain future donations to enhance the development of a secondary school learner being made vulnerable by HIV/AIDS. With your donation you are actually making a contribution towards the development of black accountants in Namibia, a professional category needed by businesses,” said Dr Christina Swart-Opperman on Monday.

Donavan Kariseb, a grade 10 learner from Eldorado Secondary School, will be assisted with regard to school fees and other necessities.

“The Aids Orphan Trust together with a trust that will be established by the learners from Windhoek High School will administer this project. Appropriate interaction between Donavan Kariseb and learners of Windhoek High School, specifically with regard to accounting classes, will also form part of this arrangement,” she said.

In an overview she revealed that 75% of all orphans in the country are AIDS orphans and that the situation will remain as such until 2021.

“We must therefore assist children to cope effectively with their circumstances. Windhoek High School’s Grade 8, 9, 10 learners today are setting an example to other secondary schools in Namibia on compassion, love and caring. I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation to the Windhoek High School management, staff and learners for being prepared to make a difference,” she praised the school.

According to Swart-Opperman, her trust that was launched in February 2003 has as its vision to contribute towards social reform in Namibia.

“Specific objectives are to uplift and improve the quality of life of AIDS orphans by participating specifically in programmes dealing in education, care and feeding schemes, prevention and psycho-social support. The trust also cooperates with other role-players in this regard. Specific values of the trust are respecting human dignity and rights of children, and applying funds with integrity having compassion for those less privileged,” she said.