Same Song with a Different Tune

Home Archived Same Song with a Different Tune

By Engel Nawatiseb


The Swapo Party Regional Executive Committee for Oshikoto Region has resolved to support retention of the status quo in terms of top party leadership for yet another term.

The conference that was convened last week at Onankali has clearly pronounced their presidential and vice-candidature in the persons of the incumbents claiming that the interest and objectives of the party were visibly embodied in them. Singing the same song as their Karas, Oshana, Khomas and Otjozondjupa counterparts, but to a different tune, Swapo Regional Coordinator for Oshikoto, Armas Amukwiyu, told New Era that both Swapo President Dr Sam Nujoma and his Vice- and Head of State, Hifikepunye Pohamba, have clearly demonstrated their vision and the direction the party should take amid the infiltration of the party by “agents” believed to be “aiming at confusing the rank and file of the party”.

“The fact that our party continues to remain stronger, united and more steadfast than ever before, has resulted from the duo’s charismatic leadership as they did as a united force during trying times in the era of the armed struggle for the total liberation of the motherland. Therefore, let them continue until such time as our democracy is no longer threatened by imperialists and their cohorts”. Amukwiyu did not pronounce himself on the positions of secretary-general and its vice-, noting that congress would eventually elect the entire hierarchy of the party.

“We are not acting outside party structures or instructions by the Secretary-General but, because peace within our party is being threatened, we felt we should pronounce ourselves at this legitimate party platform (conference) before it is too late. We are people with a conscience, and rightfully so elected into leadership positions to advise our top structures on the situation on the ground and act swiftly”, stressed Amukwiyu. Amukwiyu, who also broke the news about a planned launch of a “breakaway” party by Swapo party insiders during January 2006 in the Oshikoto Region, further lamented that a similar unconfirmed rumour has resurfaced lately. This, however, should not be treated as a threat to the ruling party. He stated that the constitution of the (Republic) is clear on that subject and that such a move should give elements within the party the peace of mind to dismember their association with the ruling party and move on like others did.

“Such move should not be regarded as having the ability to cause a dent in the Swapo party membership because we recruit new members on a daily basis in our region, and during congress the electorate will decide the future of the trouble-makers in our party”.