Panel’s Report Incomplete – CoD

Home Archived Panel’s Report Incomplete – CoD

We believe it is important to correct the impression created by two reports in The Namibian of 8th August and the 14th August 2007 respectively.

The independent panel’s brief was about one thing, and one thing only, namely to establish the truth about bribery, manipulation and vote rigging made by the dissidents. That was the only brief.

The panel found that two persons who should not have voted did so. That is the panel’s only finding.

According to the terms of reference, an Interim Committee was to be established to run the party in the event of irregularities being found.

At a meeting with the panel on Friday, 3 August 2007, we pointed out that in our view the panel’s report was incomplete.

The panel held the view that they had spent long hours on the report and that their mandate was complete. The parties were then requested to submit three names for the Interim Committee by Tuesday 7 August.

After consultation with the party’s lawyers on Monday 6 August 2007, it was pointed out to us that vesting the authority of the party in the hands of an unelected Interim Committee would be ultra vires the CoD constitution. We have asked the party’s lawyers to advise the panel accordingly.

We have since not heard from the panel save what we read in the newspapers as reported as comments of the chairperson of the panel.

There is no justification for claiming a U-turn on the part of Ulenga. Our lawyers’ advice can, of course, be tested in the law courts of our country.
For our part we go back to the political work of our organisation which is the reason for the CoD’s existence.

Natjirikasorua Tjirera