Top Choir to Perform at Christuskirche

Home Archived Top Choir to Perform at Christuskirche

By Frederick Philander


The Cantare Audire Choir will end its year’s activities with two concerts in the German Lutheran Church (Christuskirche) tomorrow and Sunday evening.

“The programme for this year’s concerts was carefully chosen to give all the members of the audience something interesting to listen to, but it also contains a couple of works that the choir is busy preparing for its participation in the Fifth International Choir Games that will be held in Graz, Austria, next year in July,” said the choir director, Ernst van Biljon.

Plans are also being made to have the choir participate in an international competition in Spittal, Austria, as well.

“Cantare Audire participated in this competition in 1994 and were the audience favourites with their colourful African robes and their lively rendering of African folk music,” he said.

The non-stop Christuskirche concert opens with a modern version of Viva la Musica by Hungarian composer Iv???_?_’???_?’???_?