
RDP ‘Mole’ off Congress List

Home Archived RDP ‘Mole’ off Congress List

By Petronella Sibeene


The Councillor for Tobias Hainyeko constituency, Erasmus ‘Captain’ Hendjala was yesterday suspended from Swapo Party activities following his alleged participation in the recruitment drive of the newly formed Rally for Democracy and Progress (RDP).

A source within the Swapo Party yesterday said, “the councillor was suspended from the ruling party’s activities as he was believed to have been ‘preaching Satan’s gospel in God’s church'”.

Hendjala is alleged to have used Swapo’s resources and his official powers as a councillor to recruit members for RDP.

Hendjala confirmed to New Era that at a meeting held at the weekend to pick delegates to the upcoming Swapo Party 4th Congress, it emerged his name was removed from the list.

The councillor explained that during the meeting, the Swapo Regional Coordinator Michael Mwinga, was presented with a letter by a local authority councillor, Boas Ekandjo.

The letter, signed by the Tobias Hainyeko Swapo Party District Coordinator, Matilda Ukeva, ordered that Hendjala’s name be withdrawn from the list of those chosen to attend the congress.

By yesterday, Hendjala had not been presented with a copy of the letter.
“Up to now, they have not given me a copy of the letter, I am still waiting. I just hope that the letter will have the reason why…” he said.

Hendjala said since the 2004 Extraordinary Congress, he was known as a supporter of the interim president of RDP, Hidipo Hamutenya.

“There is a group that does not want me at the congress,” he added.

The councillor denied any links with the RDP.

Mwinga could not be drawn into commenting on the issue. He said he had no information on the matter.

Asked for comment yesterday Ukeva said: “If there was such a letter, it is our thing in the party. I cannot say more. Maybe it is too early.”

Swapo Party Secretary General, Ngarikutuke Tjiriange, said he has not been informed about the matter as he was out of town.

He, however, said should Hendjala be suspended on the basis that he is an RDP supporter, those who suspended him should have enough evidence to do so.

“He cannot be a Swapo member if he supports the other party. I am sure those who suspended him have enough evidence for them to act,” he added.
Ever since the new party was registered, there has been curiosity about who belongs to RDP.

A list of people who are alleged to be RDP was circulated but it emerged that some of the names on the list are not RDP members.

During the launch of his party over the weekend, Hamutenya said those joining the new opposition party are doing so freely and that the new party will not force people to join it.