
The Swapo Party has finally resolved to accept the election of Leonard Mwilima as the new governor of the Caprivi Region.

Home Archived The Swapo Party has finally resolved to accept the election of Leonard Mwilima as the new governor of the Caprivi Region.

By Kuvee Kangueehi


The Swapo Party has finally resolved to accept the election of Leonard Mwilima as the new governor of the Caprivi Region.

New Era has reliably learnt that at a Central Committee meeting held yesterday in the capital, the Swapo Party after being briefed by its secretary general, Pendukeni Iivula-Ithana, about the situation in the Caprivi Region, reluctantly accepted Mwilima as the new governor.

The Swapo Party was not happy with Mwilima’s election at the end of last year and wanted former governor Bernard Sibalatani to be re-elected. The party, in fact, sent a directive to all the regions under its control that they should re-elect the governors.

The Caprivi Region was the only region that did not follow the directive and despite various attempts by the party to get the Caprivi regional councillors to reverse their decision of electing Mwilima, the councillors stood their ground and refused to succumb to pressure.

A high-powered delegation to the Caprivi Region led by Iivula-Ithana also failed to change the councillors’ stance.

New Era has further learnt that the Central Committee yesterday also elected a new Secretariat and various Central Committee members were elected to hold portfolios.

Many of the Central Committee members retained their portfolios, such as Immanuel Ngatjizeko and Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila who retained the portfolios of finance and economics, respectively.

However, the Minister of Information and Broadcasting, Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah, who held the portfolio of information and mobilisation failed to retain the portfolio as Jerry Ekandjo was elected to that position.

Nandi-Ndaitwah contested the health portfolio but was beaten by 56 votes to nine by the current Mi-nister of Health, Richard Kamwi.

It is not clear yet whether the election of Central Committee members to portfolios will trigger a Cabinet reshuffle.

In his opening statement, President Pohamba urged the newly elected national leadership to continue with the mobilisation work so that more Namibians can join, rally behind and support the Swapo Party.

Pohamba said during the festive break he used his time to hold consultative and information sharing meetings in Ohangwena, Omusati and Oshana and was accompanied by the vice president of the party, Hage Geingob,
Iivula-Ithana, deputy secre-tary general, Nangolo Mbumba, and some members of the Central Committee.

The Swapo Party president said the aim of the meetings was to interact with community members and leaders in order to listen and talk to them about problems and challenges that face their communities.

He noted that this approach could enable the Government to put in place appropriate interventions to improve the living conditions of Namibians.

Pohamba informed the Central Committee that he also addressed several party rallies at Oshakati, Helao Nafidi, Uutapi and Onamunama and intends to hold a similar rally at Walvis Bay in the second week of February.

He urged the vice president of the party and the secretary general to hold similar meetings to introduce the new party leadership to the people.

Pohamba also urged the Central Committee meeting to consider innovative ways to enhance the implementation of Politburo proposals.

He said there is need to strengthen coordination among various stakeholders, as the Government cannot achieve higher levels of success if the approach is not systematic and deliberate.

“We cannot afford to govern on an ad hoc basis or in a haphazard manner and coordination must become our cardinal principle.”

Pohamba also spoke about the power shortage that Namibia could face and said the Government is greatly concerned about the situation.

The President said Namibia is faced with power generation constraints as South Africa, from where Namibia imports electricity, has cut back on exports.

Pohamba said Namibia is compelled to source electricity from its own sources and said this calls for greater awareness to save electricity.

He urged all electricity consumers – domestic and business – to use power sparingly at all times.

“This situation demands the cooperation of all Namibians to ensure that our economy continues to function.”

He said availability of affordable and reliable power is crucial for economic growth, employment creation opportunities and poverty reduction.

The President said Namibia should consider investing in alternative and renewable energy sources that can sustain the economy in both the short and long term.