
Political cannibalism rife in Namibia – Simataa

Home National Political cannibalism rife in Namibia – Simataa

OKASHANA – Disunity, division and anguish among Namibians that continues to escalate denotes the selfless sacrifices, which the country’s liberators fought for, noted the Minister of Information and Communication Technology, Stanley Simataa, adding that this is because political cannibalism is rife in the country. 

As such, Simataa said there is now a lot of heavy decomposition of values, the values of unity and degeneration of morals which has led to the disregard of fellow citizen. 

Simataa made these remarks on Saturday, at Okashana Koomanya in Eengodhi Constituency, where he addressed hordes of community members in commemoration of the belated Heroes’ Day. 

“These days it’s every man for himself and God for all of us, people do not care and have no interest towards their fellow beings. This is not the spirit that our fore bearers had when fighting to liberate this country. Therefore on this day, let’s sit down and reflect on the past because the tendencies that we have embraced are the start of betrayal of the selfless sacrifices of our Heroes and Heroines,” stressed the ICT Minister, adding that after reflecting, one should stop denying that we are on the wrong course.  

“We have become a society that is turning against one another, a society whereby families are killing each other, what society are we becoming? That’s not the journey we started. Even within the (Swapo) party we are fighting one another,” stated Simataa.

He further said people can agree or disagree and have varying opinions but it should be in a civil manner and avoid toxic disagreement whereby in some instances you find individuals that go to the extent of declaring one as an enemy. “Where were you when we were fighting the true enemy of this country for you to declare a full citizen to such an extent of classifying him or her as enemy number one? There are no enemies in an independent Namibia, the only enemies we have are ignorance, poverty, backwardness and lack of opportunity for our people, which we need to address throughout our lives with full energy,” observed Simataa. 

He further went on to say that, yesterday’s liberators are fast becoming the country’s oppressors, “therefore on a day  such as 26 August, we need to meet and those of us who were liberators and now becoming oppressors need to reflect on ourselves then retreat in a corner, acknowledge the wrongdoings and repent.” 

At the same event, Simataa announced that there will be two MTC network towers to be constructed in Eengodhi and operational by December. 

Moreover, he said, the fight was to improve the livelihood of everyone irrespective of race and geographical area and ensure that their needs and aspirations are met. 

“Independence will be meaningless if our people don’t have the needed services such as roads, health care, ICT, water and sanitation; and good education system. Once these are met, I can confidently conclude that we have not betrayed the efforts of our liberators who lost their lives for our freedom,” concluded Simataa, while promising to take up the issue of the poor road infrastructure from Omuthiya to Okashana, leading to Onamishu.