
Intelligence senior official commits suicide

Home National Intelligence senior official commits suicide

WINDHOEK – A Namibian Central Intelligence Service (NCIS) senior official facing fraud and corruption charges of N$17 million was found dead in his vehicle next to the Daan Viljoen road yesterday morning.
 It is suspected that Paulus Tshilunga, 56, committed suicide by shooting himself in the head with a shotgun while seated in a Toyota Land Cruiser double cab. 

A statement issued by the Namibian Police Force (Nampol) spokesperson, Kauna Shikwambi, said a police officer who lives in the Daan Viljoen area observed the abandoned vehicle parked alongside the road since Monday.
 “This morning upon a closer look, he (police officer) discovered the deceased and alerted the relevant personnel who were dispatched to the scene. The firearm used is confirmed to be privately owned,” stated Shikwambi. She said the suicide might have happened between 18:00 on Monday and yesterday morning at 07:00. 

Shikwambi added that the motive is not known as there was no suicide note left behind.
However, The Patriot reported that Tshilunga appeared in the Windhoek Magistrate’s Court last month for allegedly defrauding the agency of about N$17 million. Tshilunga   faced 79 charges of fraud, money laundering, theft and corruptly used his office/position for gratification. He was released on bail of N$40,000 and his case was remanded to October 18.
Tshilunga reportedly appeared in camera after his arrest by Nampol in Ondangwa at the time.
The newspaper further reported that Tshilunga committed the crimes between 2003 and 2011. The case was opened in 2013.