
Family of Bahnhof suspected teenage killer speaks “… No parent sends their child to go kill”

Home National Family of Bahnhof suspected teenage killer speaks “… No parent sends their child to go kill”

WINDHOEK – Still trying to come to terms with the shocking allegations that their son was behind the killing and rape of a 57-year-old woman, the teenage suspect’s relatives said no parent sends their children to commit such first-degree criminal activities.

This, in essence, is to say they have no hand in the killing of Sarah Jagger, whose body was gruesomely discovered early last week, with its right foot cut off.

The foot was found wrapped in a plastic shopping bag not far from where the abused body of the quinquagenarian was discovered.

The boy’s family is troubled and regretful as they did not think he could commit a crime as heinous as this. They described him as a loner who would not involve himself in fights.
The teenager’s relatives said they will sit as family and, amongst others, prepare to go ask for forgiveness from Jagger’s family.

According to the suspect’s grandfather, who raised and lived with him since childhood, the teen is an orphan. His father died in 2005, just a year after he was born and his mother passed on in 2016. Two of his siblings have also passed away. 

The grandfather told New Era he took care of the suspect since he was baby. “He didn’t even suck his mother’s breast. She had breast cancer,” remarked the grandfather, who spoke through a translator.
The grandfather worked as a farmworker at various farms and stayed with the teenage boy. He swore he treated the minor as his own child.  

The grandfather recalls that the boy attended school at Klein Aub, but only up to Grade 2 or 3 as he dropped out when he (grandfather) fell ill. He left school to help his grandfather, the troubled senior citizen said.

“He is not a naughty child. He is rather quiet and a loner,” the grandfather described him. He added that the teenager, whom he described as hardworking at household chores, also preferred hanging around with older people. 
New Era met with the maternal grandfather of the suspect at Bahnhof settlement on Friday afternoon after visiting Rehoboth Magistrate’s Court where the teen was expected to appear.

The suspect is said to have been very emotional when he appeared in court on Thursday. He appeared in camera in the presence of his grandfather and other relatives.  In camera means court proceedings are held with the public and the press excluded.

The teenage boy’s name and grandfather are withheld in order to protect the suspect’s identity as a minor.
The teenager appeared on three counts – of murder, rape and arson. 

He is accused of killing Jagger by hitting her with a stone on her forehead in the vicinity of Bahnhof station in the district of Rehoboth. 

Jagger left home on Monday at farm Aoxas to visit Bahnhof but, as fate would have it, was not to return. 
The suspect also faces a count of arson after allegedly setting a farmhouse alight and raping Jagger.

After his legal rights were explained to him, the teenager told the court he will apply for legal aid. Public prosecutor Victor Mutumbulwa objected to bail, stating it was not in the public’s interest, especially in light of the current outcry.
“There is a likelihood of interference and statements need to be taken,” he said.

Magistrate Andre Matulich postponed the case to Tuesday for a legal aid application.  The teenager is detained in a place of safety.

Narrating events leading to the crime, the grandfather said as usual on Monday, the boy informed him he was going to a nearby farm – about two to three kilometres away – where his grandfather previously worked, but it seems that was not his true destination. He was allegedly seen at the late woman’s farm, which he frequented.

The teenager allegedly returned in the evening while the grandfather was sleeping and the next afternoon went back to the same area.  “On Tuesday he was just his old same self, quiet,” the grandfather said.