
Namibia Red Cross appoints new SG

Home National Namibia Red Cross appoints new SG

WINDHOEK – The Namibia Red Cross Society (NRCS) has appointed Bernadette Bock as its secretary general, after the position became vacant following the resignation of its secretary general this year. 
Naemi Heita has been at the helm of the NRCS since February, last year.  Bernadette Bock took over Naemi Heita on 01 October. 

“Bock brings to the National Society a wealth of 20 year working experience in the areas of Sustainable Community Development, Sustainable Natural Resources Management, Grant Management, Strategic Planning and Implementation, Stakeholder engagement and Communications,” according to a press release issued by Rosemary Nalisa, the Humanitarian Diplomacy Manager at the NRCS. 

Bock is a development economist with skills in corporate social Responsibility programme design and management, monitoring and evaluation as well as quality and compliance assurance. 
In addition, she has empirical research background with several peer reviewed publications focusing on policy impacts on water resources use in Namibia. 

“Bock also has vast experience gained over years of working for various international development cooperation programmes as well as in the local Namibian non-governmental organisation and the private sectors,” according to Nalisa. 
She holds an M.A in Co-operative Economics from the Philipps-University Marburg in Germany and a Bachelor of Economics from the University of Namibia. 

She is currently pursuing a Global Master of Business Administration from the Institute of International Business Relations’ at the Steinbeis University, Berlin in Germany. 

“The Namibia Red Cross Society Board, staff and Volunteers wholeheartedly welcomes Ms. Bock to the NRCS family and the Red Cross Movement at large,” said Nalisa.