
People were meant to be different

Home National People were meant to be different

We live in a time where everyone has an opinion they want to share. Whether it’s politics, feminism, religion, race or sexuality, it usually causes a hateful outcome. People seem to have lost respect in their approach to speak their mind and as entertaining as it is it is also draining listening to. I’m slowly accepting inside how people can easily hurt one another. Now I understand, I know not everyone has gotten to this point but majority has.

Recently, I had a conversation about Homosexuality and Christianity, one of the most controversial and ignored subjects I’ve encountered since I learned about it. I’ve been so disappointed reading comments on social media about this subject. I stopped reading articles a while ago regarding anything controversial because of all the hate and the controversies that it can evoke. But after having this conversation with multiple people, I believe perceptions have changed and the line between Homosexuality and Christianity is increasingly becoming blurred. Am not promoting Homosexuality or forcing people into Christianity, I just hope the youth can have open discussions on matters that are happening in reality on the ground. 
Someone asked me what would Jesus actually do in a modern world where sexuality is many things and Homosexuality is more accepted than ever? Now this was a rhetorical question, but ask yourself it. It evoked a lovely argument. You will be surprised by how the youth argue and see the world.

I’m so sick of the hate. We all have a right to our opinions and our truths. You are allowed your own opinion, which is your God given, free will right, even the Constitution allows you to express your opinion. But for the love of God, let’s be mindful in our approach in speaking our truth. We have so much love to give, but it is killed by the hate in our words.

I will never relate to Homosexuality, I will never understand it. What I do understand is all of us have a heavenly father that knows each of us better than we know ourselves, and if we all loved a little more, and spoke up for those who are treated poorly even when we don’t understand, or don’t agree with, we could start to put a stop to the evil in this world that is literally killing and destroying the very best thing about us, humanity.

*Olavi Popyeinawa has a diploma in Alternative Dispute Resolution and is currently studying law, LLB at the University of Namibia (Unam). He will weekly contribute this column on youth mattersInstagram: niceguy_olavi Facebook: Olavi Longfellow Twitter: @OlaviPopyeinawa