
Police confiscated 48 weapons at land conference

Home National Police confiscated 48 weapons at land conference

WINDHOEK – The Namibian Police’s tight security at the venue of the just-ended national land conference last week saw 48 deadly weapons, including 14 pistols, being confiscated from participants. During the five-day second national land conference, which ended last Friday, police had a tight-security checkpoint at the entrance of Safari Hotel where each and every participant entering the venue underwent strict search. 

President Hage Geingob officially opened the conference, which was chaired by Prime Minister Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila.

The police said some participants were intercepted at the security checkpoints with weapons such as rifles and side firearms (pistols).

Police Inspector-General Sebastian Ndeitunga on Tuesday held a press conference where he revealed that they confiscated 14 pistols, a hunting gun, one shotgun, two machetes, 26 knives, three traditional knives and a pepper spray during the conference days.

“One wonders why a law-abiding citizen should come to a gathering of this nature or any kind armed with a dangerous weapon. In this respect we would like to inform the nation that at any event, assembly or gathering no weapons are allowed to be carried or possessed by public members,” he said.

Ndeitunga noted that the state apparatus entrusted with the security mandate are always there to guarantee the safety and security of the people

Police spokesperson Chief Inspector Kauna Shikwambi said the confiscated items were returned to the lawful owners after thorough investigation and verification of the weapons.

He said in as much as anyone has the right to exercise his or her democratic rights and freedom, such should be exercised with high degree and sense of responsibility and accountability bearing in mind that where one’s rights and freedom end, another one’s rights and freedom start. 

In case of peaceful demonstrations, he cautioned that freedom of speech must be exercised in such a way that it is not derogatory, defamatory and should not be of hate speech or incite any violence. 

“The tendency of some citizens disrespecting and insulting our leaders or other fellow citizens is unbecoming and should be ceased henceforth.  What we want in this country is peace and nothing else but peace,” he reacted.
This comes at the same time the Council of Traditional Leaders called on government to make an example of Landless People’s Movement (LPM) leader Henny Siebeb, who recently held a placard with remarks “Voetsek Geingob, voetsek” during a demonstration against the hosting of the land conference.

Seibeb is accused of having further made distasteful statements, of sexual nature, against First Lady Monica Geingos.
Equally, he said the recent misconduct and misbehaviours of the “Struggle Kids” during that week remains deplorable as they kept on assembling illegally in the streets of Windhoek; blocking roads, placing rocks on the roads, burning tyres and throwing stones at public road users and vehicles. 

“These are unacceptable attitudes and behaviours which cannot be condoned since they are tantamount to chaos and lawlessness.” 

Similarly, Ndeitunga said when members of the public are demonstrating, the use of inciting language and insults are prohibited. 

Following the 2nd National Land Conference which took place last week from 01 – 05 October 2018 at Safari Hotel and Conference Centre in Windhoek, Namibia; the Namibian Police Force, in performing its mandate of maintaining law and order, preservation of internal security was hard at work, to ensure that safety and security prevailed. 

He commended the security personnel who took part in this security operation for their relentless efforts in providing security and maintaining law and order at the conference. 
Equally, he thanked all conference participants for their cooperation with the security operatives at the security checkpoints.