Marimba band shake rhythm up

Home National Marimba band shake rhythm up

 Donna Collins

The earth shakes with the beat of loud drums pounding a pulsating beat, whilst the energy of the vibrant ‘Chicken Bus’ marimba band sweeps you right off your feet.

A live performance delivered by these six energetic musicians recently, saw them throw themselves into a rigorous repertoire of traditional sounds, Reggae tunes, and some cover songs, with relentless punch and flying dreadlocks. An outdoor stage displayed their impressive range of djembe, conga drums and the full set of marimba musical keyboard instruments, which forms the backbone of their spellbinding repertoire. They are a Swakopmund based group who teamed up two years ago, and are starting to feel the warm rays of the spotlight, whilst working hard to be discovered from their humble ghetto life in Mondesa. So far, they have performed in shopping malls, township tours, in front of tourist groups, at restaurants and schools. They tell you that they are multi artistic with some of the band members skilled in the art of flame throwing and stilt walking.  

A multi-talented group of performers, they bring something new and exciting to their shows, with each member switching it up on stage as they taken on different instruments, whilst adding to the dynamics. Simba Chilenga who started the group, after arriving in the country from Zimbabwe, with a range of wooden marimba’s which he all makes by hand, explains their name, saying Chicken Bus is an expression. “We’re like a moving bus that everyone can climb on board and drive along to our music.”

 “Our performances are very high energy, so the audience can enjoy and feel the rhythm,” he added, saying. “The Djemba is the talking drum which you play through your hands, and provides an unmistakable beat,” says the graduate of Ethno Musicology from the Zimbabwe College of Music where he studied for over three years, bringing his skills to Namibia, where he both shares and trains adults and children. The band uses the full set of marimba keyboards on stage to fill the layers and give power to their music, which includes lead, rhythm, baritone and bass. 

Meanwhile, Chicken Bus is looking forward to their next performance at COSEDF being held on October 27, as well as livening up gigs over the Christmas season. They can also be booked for parties, conferences and seminars and can be contacted on FB Chicken Bus Band or at cell phone numbers 0815478810/ 0817421545.