
NAU recommits to land reform, qualitative life for farmworkers

Home National NAU recommits to land reform, qualitative life for farmworkers

WINDHOEK – Even though the Namibian Agricultural Union (NAU) does not agree with all decisions taken at the recent Second Land Conference, it is committed to a positive contribution towards Namibia and want to be part of the solutions. The NAU is therefore committed to making a difference in the quality of life of farmworkers, and to continue contributions to poverty alleviation,  initiating new and supporting existing socio-economic projects in which the commercial agricultural sector is already involved, including old age homes, schools and clinics.

The NAU’s president, Ryno van der Merwe, has recommitted stating that the NAU will work towards improving the dignity of farmworkers and assist long- serving farmworkers with retirement planning and provision thereof and being actively supporting emerging and resettled farmers.

The NAU thoroughly discussed these issues at its annual congress last week.
Van der Merwe assures that the NAU is taking president Hage Geingob’s request  during the Second National Land Conference seriously thus re-confirming its support and commitment to land reform in the country.

The NAU also accepts the challenge the President  made to land owners about inequalities and poverty, which the country must overcome. The NAU congress also gratefully welcomed the President’s confirmation that all Namibians are welcomed in the country and have rights, and his commitment to uphold the Constitution of the country.