Mangetti farmers striving for superior cattle genetics

Home National Mangetti farmers striving for superior cattle genetics

WINDHOEK-The Mangetti Farmers’ Association (MFA) desires is striving at superior genetics to upgrade the standard of its livestock products. 

This needs the right breeds to help their cattle find their way to any available market, says Rev. Tomas Ndiwakalunga of the MFA. He says the main goal as stipulated in the National Agricultural Policy is to increase and sustain the levels of agricultural productivity. This in itself ensures sustainable income and food security. 

“To realise the above, the land must be effectively managed. Proper management, including fencing, dividing farms into camps according to the livestock at hand.  It also includes the control of carrying capacity to avoid overgrazing as well as overstocking.”

The MFA further strives at improving rangeland fodder flow to increase livestock products in the northern communal areas (NCAs). Not all MFA members understand the biblical philosophy of taking care of the land, land will take care of the livestock and in turn the livestock will take care of one. “It is mostly in this area that MFA is looking for the right partner to assist and support,” notes Ndiwakalunga. 

Asked about the traditional beliefs versus modern farming techniques, he stresses that for the Owambo traditional man, the cattle must have a name, long horns, sharp horns for the bull – and cattle are being kept longer for weddings and funerals. “For this man land is second to livestock. He can buy lots of cattle even if he does not have any single plot to keep them. This type of man needs a serious paradigm shift in order to change and adapt to the eminent modern farming techniques.”