
Salionga appointed as permanent judge

Home National Salionga appointed as permanent judge

WINDHOEK – Windhoek High Court Acting Judge Johanna Salionga who is currently presiding over the case of five people accused of a murder-for-hire plot has been appointed as a permanent judge of the High Court with effect from November 01.
This year was announced by the Judicial Service Commission (JSC). 

Prior to her appointment, Judge Salionga served as an Acting Judge of the High Court from November 01 last year to March 30 this year and her appointment was extended from April 01 to June 30 and again from July 01 to August 31 this year. 

She is a Namibian citizen and is currently serving as the Chief Magistrate in charge of the Magistrates’ Courts in the country. Judge Salionga is a career magistrate whose involvement in law spans over 14 years. It was further announced that Regional Magistrate Ileni Velikoshi was appointed as an Acting Judge of the High Court for the period November 01, 2018 to December 15, 2018 to preside over a specific criminal case. 

He is currently a Regional Court Magistrate at Mungunda Street and has eight years’ experience as a magistrate. Prior to his engagement as a Regional Magistrate, he served as a Principal Magistrate from December 2014 to October 2015 and before that he was a Senior Magistrate from April 2010 to December 2014.

It was further announced that two Justices were appointed to the Supreme Court on an acting basis from October 01, 2018 to October 31, 2019 to form a pool from which their services may be called upon whenever a need arises. They are (Mr) Justice Maruping Dibotelo who previously served as Botswana’s Chief Justice from February 2010 to April 2018. Justice Dibotelo also served as a High Court Judge in Botswana from September 1996 to January 2010. 

He has been in the judicial system for almost 20 years. Lady Justice Baaitse (Bess) Elizabeth Nkabinde served as a Justice of the South African Constitutional Court from January 2006 to December 2017. 

She also served as an Acting Judge of the Supreme Court of Appeal of South Africa from June to November 2005. She has been in the judicial system for almost 20 years.

The Judicial Service Commission congratulates the honourable judges on their appointments and wishes them well in the execution of their onerous tasks.